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Mental Health Care for Excessive Sleepiness

This chronic neurological sleep disorder can affect your personal and professional life. Lifestyle changes and medication can help bring positive change. But it is important to identify the underlying cause of this disorder. As these causes may vary from person to person, a mental health care expert can provide a more detailed assessment. This assessment should form the basis of the treatment plan.

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About Hypersomnia Therapy
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About Hypersomnia Therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Hypersomnia Therapy
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A Quick Overview
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Major Causes
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Common Signs
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Risk Factors
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Ways It Can Be Diagnosed
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How to Deal With Your Symptoms
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Mental Health Care for Excessive Sleepiness

This chronic neurological sleep disorder can affect your personal and professional life. Lifestyle changes and medication can help bring positive change. But it is important to identify the underlying cause of this disorder. As these causes may vary from person to person, a mental health care expert can provide a more detailed assessment. This assessment should form the basis of the treatment plan.


A specialist usually diagnoses this condition. If you experience excessive daytime sleepiness despite sleeping enough during the night, get in touch with a specialist. They will run some tests and conduct a specific study to give a conclusive answer.
Though both conditions cause excessive sleepiness, there is a slight difference between them. Those suffering from narcolepsy tend to feel refreshed after having a nap. On the other hand, people suffering from this disorder are less likely to feel refreshed even after a deep sleep.
No, stress and anxiety do not cause this sleeping disorder. But this disorder can cause anxiety-related problems in an individual.
External factors usually cause it, but genetics may play a part. Recent studies have found that around one-third of people with this condition have a close relative with a similar problem.
No. People with this condition may even sleep for 14 hours or more each day to no avail. It can create more health problems like weight loss, fatigue, and brain fog. The main concern with this disorder is that even after excessive sleep, the majority of patients might find it hard to focus.

A Quick Overview

Hypersomnia is a condition that causes excessive daytime sleepiness. Excessive time spent dozing could also be a result of this condition. An individual may even have sleep attacks, where they are suddenly overwhelmed by drowsiness. These attacks could take place in inconvenient circumstances, like during a conversation.

If you suffer from this medical condition, you may feel tired and indulge in daytime naps, even after getting enough rest. This could affect your ability to concentrate and function. Not being able to focus during work or any other activity can seriously affect your life. The need to nap could occur anytime, even during work or driving. Hence, there is a potential risk of causing harm to yourself and other people.

Major Causes

It can be one of two types. Both these types have their specific causes.

  • Primary: This occurs on its own with no other medical condition present. Central disorders of primary hypersomnia are narcolepsy type 1 and type 2, Idiopathic hypersomnia, and Kleine-Levin syndrome. Out of these, Idiopathic is usually associated with this condition. The name itself suggests spontaneous sleepiness with no known cause.
  • Secondary: This may occur due to some other medical condition. This could even be a symptom of another disorder. Obesity, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis can cause secondary hypersomnia. One may also develop it as a result of brain injury or tumour.

Excessive drug administration, stimulant medications, alcohol, or sedatives can also be the reason behind the secondary type of this disorder. Mood disorders like seasonal affective disorder and bipolar disorder are also possible causes.

One of the most common yet simple causes is insufficient sleep syndrome. Not getting enough sleep for an extended period, due to any reason, can develop this disorder. Hormonal changes like menstruation, thyroid disease, and menopause are likely causes.

Common Signs

Some of the common signs and symptoms are:

  • Recurrent episodes of extreme sleepiness: People suffering from this tend to doze for more than 10 hours daily. This could be in the form of long stretches or short naps. Either way, they struggle to stay awake during the day.
  • Anxiety and loss of appetite: When one person spends almost half the day sleeping, their appetite may also decrease. Anxiety, irritability, and restlessness are also common symptoms.
  • Sleep Drunkenness: Affected individuals may find it difficult to wake up entirely, even after long naps. They wake up confused and out of sorts. It may take a couple or more minutes for the individual to refocus on this mental confusion. Majority of patients tend to be aggressive after waking up.
  • Lethargy: The most common symptom of this disorder is feeling tired and exhausted despite getting enough rest. You may not find naps refreshing, and they might not increase alertness.
  • Inability to concentrate: People suffering from this have difficulty remembering things. They find it hard to focus on something. The outcome of this is memory problems, slow thinking, and delayed speech.

Risk Factors

Certain factors may cause this neurological sleep disorder in you. These factors may vary from person to person. Often, more than one factor is combined to result in adverse effects of excessive daytime sleepiness. These include:

  • Medication or substance use: Excessive consumption of nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, or any drug can cause this sleeping disorder. Medication for certain diseases, such as antidepressants, can also be a factor. Withdrawal symptoms from any stimulant drug can develop this medical condition.
  • Medical condition: Degenerative neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, sleep apnoea, or Alzheimer's can result in this sleeping disorder. Nervous system diseases, tumours, or head injuries are also possible factors.
  • Insufficient sleep syndrome: Constantly failing to get the required amount of rest may develop the inability to obtain sufficient sleep in you. If you work the night shift or have a poor schedule, you risk contracting this disorder.
  • Psychiatric disorder: Bipolar disorder, depression, seasonal affective disorder, and other mood disorders may cause this medical condition.

All the factors mentioned above are causes of secondary hypersomnia. The causes for most cases of this health condition remain unknown. Researchers are still exploring the role of genetics in people with primary hypersomnia.

Ways It Can Be Diagnosed

A doctor may conduct different diagnostic steps and clinical trials to determine the severity and cause of your condition. These steps include a sleep diary, blood test, and sleep study. Following this, treatment options are determined. The ways to diagnose this disorder include:


It is a kind of overnight sleep study. You get a private room at the clinic for sleeping. The study will focus on what your body and brain do while you sleep. Sensors track your brain waves, heart rate, blood oxygen level, breathing, and leg movement. Consult the doctor in advance to know how to prepare for this study. Certain factors like medication or naps obtained before the study may affect the results.

Multiple Sleep Latency Test

This is also a sleep study. It takes place a day after an overnight Polysomnography. You will take five naps in a day, each separated from the other by 2 hours. Sensors track sleep habits, circadian rhythms, brain activity, and breathing.

You will be asked to have a nap for 20 minutes. After 15 minutes of nap, the administrator will wake you up. If you can stay awake till the end of 20 minutes, then the particular nap session will end. You will repeat the process for certain 4-5 times. This test measures how quickly you can fall asleep and how fast rapid eye movement begins.

Sleep Questionnaires

One of the most popular self-administered questionnaires to assess excessive daytime sleepiness is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). You will answer what your chances of falling asleep are in different circumstances. The scale is from 0 to 3. Circumstances include:

  • Sitting and reading
  • Riding as a passenger in a car for an hour
  • Sitting in a car that is stuck in a traffic jam for a few minutes
  • Sitting inactively in a public place
  • Watching TV
  • Talking to someone
  • Sitting after lunch without alcohol
  • Laying down in a restroom

Your answers to these eight questions can tell you if you have daytime sleepiness or not. Anything over 18 suggests severe sleepiness and the possibility of a sleeping disorder.

How to Deal With Your Symptoms

If you suspect having any symptoms of hypersomnia, you might need help from a health care professional. Specific lifestyle changes along with proper treatment may help reduce the symptoms. Here is how you can cope with this sleeping disorder:

  • Avoid alcohol and any substance that makes sleep quality worse: It will help if you avoid alcohol, sedatives, caffeine, and other substances. They may make the symptoms more severe. Consult your doctor to know what medications to avoid.
  • Avoid night shift and driving whenever possible: A person with this medical condition must stick to a regular sleep schedule. Night shifts can have adverse side effects. Driving can also be dangerous since you might fall asleep while driving.
  • Adequate exercise and healthy eating habits: You should get enough exercise to tire your body naturally and then let it rest to recover. This might help you get a little control over your symptoms. Healthy eating and a good diet will ensure that your body gets the nutrients to function well.
  • Seek professional help: Consult a counsellor or psychologist to understand your problem and its cause. This can help you take care of the reason causing this disorder in you. They can also suggest some specific lifestyle changes to further help with symptoms. Additionally, you can seek out a few support groups. This gives you the confidence that you are not alone.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

Treatment of hypersomnia depends on the underlying cause. Different causes will require a different treatment plan. Moreover, each individual will have a particular lifestyle. Hence, every affected individual needs a licensed therapist to examine their condition.

If left untreated, this can cause many medical problems and quality-of-life complications. Difficulty connecting with your loved ones and problems at work or school are possible issues. There is also an ever-present chance of being involved in an accident.

Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

This medical condition is more complicated than you may think. Yes, It is a disorder in itself. But it can also be a symptom of further medical complications. Among all these, it can be easy to feel confused and unsure of how to approach it. You can find answers to all your doubts by scheduling a therapy appointment with one of our counsellors. Our therapists can provide you with a treatment suited for your cause and lifestyle.