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Mental Health Care for Effectively Managing Your Time

There is no definitive cure for poor time management. There are always different tools and counselling options that might help you. Many reasons factor in when it comes to procrastination. Mental disorders such as depression, stress, or other conditions can play a role in contributing to poor planning and scheduling skills.

You have the option to consult a mental health professional. With proper counselling, you can overcome this and even master different skills to tackle it. It can improve your efficiency and your approach to managing your tasks.

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About Time management therapy
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About Time management therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Time management therapy
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Start a Session at Your Convenience
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Major Causes of Procrastination
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Common Signs You Might Have a Problem
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Strategies For Fostering Better Skills
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Mental Health Care for Effectively Managing Your Time

There is no definitive cure for poor time management. There are always different tools and counselling options that might help you. Many reasons factor in when it comes to procrastination. Mental disorders such as depression, stress, or other conditions can play a role in contributing to poor planning and scheduling skills.

You have the option to consult a mental health professional. With proper counselling, you can overcome this and even master different skills to tackle it. It can improve your efficiency and your approach to managing your tasks.


It helps you organize and plan your workload. You learn to schedule various tasks and goals to do them in a valuable way.
It is when you put off your tasks until the last moment due to various reasons. It might be due to a lack of motivation, fear of rejection, or self-doubt.
You might think working last minute on your project may add a thrill, making you work faster. But, scramming under pressure can add more stress, making it impossible to foresee unexpected issues.
Procrastination and laziness might sound similar. But laziness is just one of the factors that might affect them. Procrastinating can even have links to different mental disorders.
It is a common belief that people lack time management skills because they are lazy. Yet, procrastination can be a response to additional disorders and requires professional help. Therapies like CBT are extremely helpful in assessing and managing time.

Start a Session at Your Convenience

Time management can help you save time when doing a mountain of work. It is a crucial part of navigating through your daily life efficiently. Whether it’s your education, job, or everyday chores, organizing your tasks to suit your schedule without any hassle shouldn't be a task of its own.

But it isn't as easy as it sounds for everyone. A long list of tasks is always a bother. There is a chance that you might get yourself in a rut when it comes to completing your tasks as per schedule. If you find yourself under a pile of assignments and your to-do list is often unchecked, it might affect your mental health.

If you have trouble focusing on a task, you tend to keep putting it off until the last moment, and it is affecting the quality of your daily life; you need to re-examine your approach toward time management. The struggle of not having a hold on your schedule can take an infuriating turn.

Of course, rushing at the last moment to finish a task is annoying. But if your concern overwhelms you, it might also affect your brain's ability to manage tasks. If you see yourself in a similar situation, you must remember that there are ways to tackle this issue.

Major Causes of Procrastination

Procrastination is often linked to laziness or lack of enthusiasm toward a particular project. Yet, there's more to this than it seems. If it is frequently happening, there might be more than one factor affecting your skills. It can be due to low self-confidence, lack of inspiration, or even comprehension.

Your physical health also influences your motivation and self-control. For instance, exhaustion can take a toll on your ability to finish a task within a given deadline. You might even find yourself getting demotivated over the fear of failure.

Let us look at the major reasons:

  • Perfectionism: When you want things to be flawless, you tend to postpone your work. You don't want to leave any room for mistakes, making you afraid of even starting your task.
  • Fear of failure: The fear of failure always restricts you from putting in any effort, leading you to avoid the task at hand.
  • Fear of criticism — Fretting over evaluation or receiving negative feedback can affect your competency.
  • Low self-esteem: Your doubt about your capability directly affects your self-esteem. Your lack of belief in yourself may sabotage your sense of self-regulation.
  • Dysfunctional tendencies: The inability to function toward a task can give you a false authority of being in control of any outcome. You might think of not working on something because you are sure of failing due to procrastinating.
  • Depression: Although you might not have been diagnosed with depression, it can be an underlying cause. Depression causes an unstable mood and loss of interest. It can affect your approach toward any task.
  • ADHD: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder can be a factor in concentrating. It is difficult to focus on a single task with ADHD, after a while it becomes boring. It may lead you to commit to a different task without finishing the prior one in the first place.
  • Impulsive response: The tendency to act on an impulse without giving any thought to the consequences can have a considerable effect on your quality of work.
  • Indecisiveness: The lack of capability to come to a decision can lead you to stress over a plan of action at the last moment.
  • Difficulty defining goals: When you cannot specify a timeline for your goals, you might hesitate to take steps to achieve them.
  • A disconnect with the future self: When you put something off for your future self to take responsibility, you don't often consider the consequences. Your inability to connect your future self to your present can harm your course of action.
  • Exhaustion: Overwhelming emotions toward your task might drain you. It often shows up as physical exhaustion, making you powerless to perform.

Common Signs You Might Have a Problem

Some signs include:

  • Poor punctuality.
  • Constant rushing.
  • Decreased quality of work.
  • Frequently missing deadlines.
  • Inability to set and achieve goals.
  • Getting easily distracted.
  • Exhibiting symptoms of burnout.
  • The tendency to multitask.

Strategies For Fostering Better Skills

If you believe that a lack of this skill is affecting your work-life balance, you need better strategies to master it.

Assess yourself: The first thing to do is to observe how you usually spend your hours. This will help you recognize your environment and the ideal situation that boosts your efficiency.

Prioritize your goals: Learn to direct your attention to complete a task. This will also help you identify the most important goals so you can prioritize them. You can also set several milestones to reach your goal.

Planning: You need to lay out ideas to plan them. Consider writing down your ideas, goals, and plans in a planner or journal. Then assign a slot to each of your tasks under your action plan. Plan an easy routine and stay consistent with it.

Organize: Decluttering your bedroom or workstation can help you declutter your mind. Arrange things you need to be accessible to you, and keep away unnecessary stuff. This can help you avoid distractions.

Learn your strengths and weaknesses: Being familiar with your area of expertise gives you an upper hand in efficacy. Meanwhile, recognizing your weaknesses can help you in resolving them.

Hold yourself accountable: You might set rewards for yourself when you reach a certain level of your goal. Simultaneously, learn to identify your inability to complete a goal when it is required.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

You might incorporate different time management tools to help you cope with procrastination. But, if you find it challenging to make it work for you, help is always available because effective planning might even impact your mental well-being.

You can always find a licensed therapist who can offer you counselling. Specialists tailor treatments to suit your individual needs. They allow you to re-evaluate your options and skills and offer thoughtful suggestions to tackle your issues.

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