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Mental Health Care for Attention Deficit Disorder

This condition can have an immediate adverse effect on social, occupational, or academic functioning. Before the age of 12, there might be evidence of severe inattention signs, usually by early to mid-childhood. The level of inattention is generally above and beyond the range of normal variation anticipated for that age and intellectual functioning level.
If you have this ailment, you may have other mental health problems. Evidence shows that those with this condition are more likely to have anxiety and depression. They may also show signs of conduct disorder. These include chronic patterns of antisocial, aggressive, or defiant behavior. Substance addiction and sleep issues may also be prevalent.
So, if you experience these issues, taking care of your mental health is crucial. And with the right assistance from a trained therapist, you can do so.
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Ms Athira

Counselling Psychologist
2 years of experience
Therapy with me focuses on helping people grow, heal, and build resilience in a supportive, nonjudgmental space.  Hello! I'm Athira, an individual and couples therapist. My approach is integrative and centered on the unique needs of my clients. I use evidence-based techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness, Trauma-Informed Care, and the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy.  In my journey as a therapist, I've discovered that embracing our humanity is the key to building genuine connections with clients. By being open about my challenges and limitations, I show clients that it's okay to be authentic and imperfect. This shared human experience forms the foundation of our relationship, allowing us to connect on a deeper level to cultivate meaningful change. In my experience of working with couples, my focus is on strengthening their relationships, improving communication, and navigating conflicts. I aim to help partners understand each other's perspectives, rebuild trust, and create meaningful connections that lead to lasting happiness. For individual clients, I provide support on their personal growth journeys. Whether they're dealing with anxiety, trauma, or life transitions, I help them explore their emotions, develop coping strategies, and build the resilience they need to thrive. With my clients, I focus on creating a personalized plan that supports their goals and fosters a collaborative and supportive therapeutic experience.
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Attention is crucial in every aspect of life. It enables people to concentrate on details and remember things. Additionally, it allows them to put aside distractions to focus and finish particular tasks. So, if you cannot manage the indicators of a condition where you cannot be mindful, it can feel disappointing.

Attention Deficit Disorder, a subtype of ADHD, is also often called inattentive ADHD. This condition manifests as limited or low attention span or easy distraction. It may also appear as if the person diagnosed is disorganized, forgetful, and has a lack of focus.

This condition can often appear deliberate. It may also get overlooked and mischaracterized as laziness and apathy. However, it is a serious mental health condition. Those experiencing the symptoms are not pretending but might be struggling to cope. But, with the right aid, they don't need to.

Major Causes

Although the precise cause is unknown, several factors could be responsible. These include:
  • Genetics: This illness frequently runs in families. The genes you get from your parents may have a substantial role in developing the condition. According to research, the disease is more common in parents and siblings of someone diagnosed.
  • Groups At Risk: Certain people may risk developing this condition more. These include:
    • Premature babies or those who had low weight at birth.
    • People with epilepsy.
    • Those with a head injury.
  • Brain Structure And Function: Research has found many potential distinctions between the brains of those with this ailment and those without it. For instance, research using brain scans has revealed that in those with this illness, some brain regions may be smaller, and others may be larger. According to some studies, people with ADD may have an unbalanced level of the brain's neurotransmitters, or these chemicals may not function effectively.

Common Signs

It is not that people with this illness are incapable of being conscious and focused. They might have no issue concentrating and remaining on task when they're engaged in activities they find enjoyable or learning about interesting things. Yet, if the task is monotonous or dull, they sometimes might easily lose interest.
Such signs can appear before the age of 12; in some people, they even appear as early as 3 years of age. These markers can be mild, moderate, or severe. In some instances, they may persist throughout adulthood. Some common markers are:
  • Inability to maintain focus. They frequently jump from task to task without finishing any of them.
  • Kids with this condition have more difficulty managing their time and academics than other children.
  • Those with this condition might need a peaceful, quiet atmosphere to keep concentrated. They struggle to focus when there are distractions around them.
  • When addressed, they appear not to be listening.
  • They may not pay attention to details or make careless blunders.
  • They might have trouble remembering things and following instructions.
  • They frequently have problems planning ahead, remaining organized, and completing projects.
  • Children with this might misplace or lose schoolwork, books, toys, or other belongings.

How to Get Tested

This condition is often diagnosed during childhood and may extend into adulthood. The criteria for diagnosis vary. Here's how:
In Children: Identifying whether a child has this ailment is a multi-step process. It cannot be diagnosed with a single test. Also, many other issues, including sleep abnormalities, anxiety, depression, and some forms of learning difficulties, may have similar characteristics.
If you are concerned about whether your child has this disease, talking with a healthcare professional to determine whether the characteristics match the diagnosis is the first step. A primary care physician, such as a pediatrician or a mental health specialist, can make the diagnosis. They can inquire about the child's conduct in various contexts. These include home, school, or with peers, parents, teachers, and other guardians.
The child's healthcare professional should also learn whether they have another condition that co-occurs with this one or that can better explain the signs.
Healthcare providers in India usually refer to ICD's criteria. The updated ICD-11 defines this ailment as a prolonged pattern of inattention (lasting at least six months) that affects academic, occupational, or social functioning. It further notes that these indicators usually manifest from early to middle childhood, before the age of 12 years. Additionally, the level of inattention is outside the normal limits expected for that age and intellectual level.
At least six signs of inattentiveness must be present in these children. It is also crucial that any other mental condition does not explain these symptoms.
In Adults: ADD frequently persists into adulthood. Only five markers, as opposed to the six required for younger children, are required to diagnose this condition in adults and adolescents who are 17 years of age or older. However, for adults, symptoms could appear differently.

Effects on Children vs Adults

The characteristics of the condition, both in children and adults, are very similar. However, the major difference lies in the consequences that inattentiveness can have on them.
Typically, children with this condition are not disruptive at school. They might even be quiet. However, that doesn't indicate their disease isn't an issue or that they aren't finding it difficult to concentrate.
Due to the inability to pay attention, children may have behavioral issues at school, or they might start failing their lessons. This can lead to lower morale and feelings of discouragement. It can further cause avoidant behavior in the child. For example, they might avoid participating in activities due to the fear of failing.
Adults with this ailment are more likely to make errors, lose interest, and have trouble understanding spoken instructions. They may bear the misleading, damaging labels of being lazy, uninterested, or forgetful far into adulthood.
Inattentiveness in adults can also lead to problems at work, poor performance reviews, and frequent switching of jobs. These may lead to frustration. They may also prefer staying alone and isolated. This is because social situations could become a sight of embarrassment for them.
The effects of this ailment in the lives of children and adults are rippling. They can cause shame and guilt to the individual. These may even result in social anxiety.

How is it Different From ADHD?

Although many people still confuse the two concepts, it's crucial to understand that they are distinct. The following are some essential facts to know about the two:
  • ADD is an older term for what is now known as the inattentive kind of ADHD.
  • Since the mid-1990s, inattentive and hyperactive personalities have been referred to as having ADHD. ADHD is, therefore, an umbrella term.
  • The DSM-5 distinguishes three subtypes of ADHD. They are the inattentive type (often known as ADD), the hyperactive-impulsive type, and the mixed type.
  • The indicators of the former differ from those of the combination or primarily hyperactive-impulsive kinds. Kids with these presentations may exhibit different markers. For instance, kids with the other two forms of ADHD may often act out or have behavioral issues in class.
However, some people may still refer to the condition as ADD. This is commonly done to indicate that hyperactivity and impulsivity are not the respective symptoms.

How to Deal With Your Symptoms

The cure for this condition is still unknown. However, some treatments can help people manage their symptoms and increase functionality. The ways include:
  • Behavioral Therapy: Most medical professionals and psychologists advise developing a behavior intervention plan to assist in teaching the patient skills for adaptive behavior. It also aims at reducing off-task and inattentive behaviors. In behavior therapy, a therapist will meet the diagnosed individual and facilitate a conversation. Here, the individual has a chance to express themselves.
    It also includes interventions at school, the workplace, and with peers. It involves adjustments to accommodate what the healthcare provider deems necessary for the diagnosed person. It may include positive reinforcement, additional break time, extra time on tests and deadlines, and changes to their environment.
    In the case of children under 12 years of age, therapists might also advise parent training in behavior management. Here, parents may be taught talk and play therapy. Additionally, they could recommend family counseling. This ensures that everyone in the family can learn healthy coping mechanisms for the condition of the diagnosed person.
  • Medication: The symptoms may be managed by three types of drugs. These include psychostimulants, antidepressants, or non-stimulant medications. People with this condition may benefit from these medications, as they help them stay focused.
    Psychostimulants may help to improve energy and alertness by affecting neurotransmitters in the brain. Neurotransmitters in the brain are also affected by antidepressants. These may aid in enhancing mood and focus. Non-stimulant medications may also be helpful. They may assist with emotion control and improved concentration on particular tasks.
  • Holistic methods: Exercise can improve mood, focus, and executive functioning in adults and children with this condition. Additionally, studies have found that practicing yoga helped individuals with this ailment focus more and control their emotions.
Diet may also help with symptom management. As per studies, fried foods, added sugars, salt, and artificial chemicals may worsen the condition.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

People may often ignore ADD and dismiss its signs. This is because it is a frequently misunderstood condition. The severe signs may often be associated with laziness, apathy, or forgetfulness. However, it is not something that should be treated this way. If you or someone you know shows certain indicators, it is essential to consult a professional.
The right therapist will understand and thoroughly comprehend the condition. They will not be prejudiced, but help you tackle your problems, manage the condition effectively, and minimize the effect of the symptoms. This can lead to a drastic improvement in your situation.

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