Book Online Counselling and Treatment for Agoraphobia

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Mental Health Care for Fear of Open Spaces

With this condition, you might have an intense fear that you will not get help or will be unable to escape certain situations if your anxiety worsens. Therefore, you may struggle to feel comfortable in public places with huge crowds. You may feel the need for a companion, such as a relative or acquaintance, to accompany you to public areas. In severe cases, the terror can be so intense that you cannot leave your house.

Agoraphobia treatment can be difficult because it usually requires confronting your concerns. However, you can overcome the symptoms with counseling and medication and live a more joyful life.

On this page
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About Agoraphobia therapy
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About Agoraphobia therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Agoraphobia therapy
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A Quick Overview
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Major Causes
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Common Signs
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Tips for Managing It
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How to Recover From Your Symptoms
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Mental Health Care for Fear of Open Spaces

With this condition, you might have an intense fear that you will not get help or will be unable to escape certain situations if your anxiety worsens. Therefore, you may struggle to feel comfortable in public places with huge crowds. You may feel the need for a companion, such as a relative or acquaintance, to accompany you to public areas. In severe cases, the terror can be so intense that you cannot leave your house.

Agoraphobia treatment can be difficult because it usually requires confronting your concerns. However, you can overcome the symptoms with counseling and medication and live a more joyful life.


Yes, it is a severe mental illness. It can instill fear of crowds, open or confined environments, public transportation, etc. These are things that people come across daily. Having a gut-wrenching worry every time you leave the house can make life difficult. Some individuals are terrified that they might never leave their homes alone. These people might be unable to function as adults if not treated.
The distinction between social anxiety and agoraphobia is that the latter is concerned with experiencing anxiety attacks or losing control in specific settings. In contrast, social anxiety is concerned with being judged or feeling ashamed in social situations.
No, there is no definite cure for this condition. But effective treatments can help people control their symptoms and improve their quality of life.
Many people who seek help start to feel better eventually. However, social phobia might persist for years for those who do not seek treatment from trusted healthcare providers.
It can be inherited from one's parents. Many who have this condition will find that their relatives had it too.

A Quick Overview

Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder that causes excessive fear of certain situations or places. Usually, these places may make you panic, feel trapped or embarrassed. You may avoid some places like buses or the metro, or you may avoid leaving the house altogether. This is more common among teenagers. And while there is no cure for this illness, early treatment can help you live a happy and fearless life.

Major Causes

The cause of this anxiety disorder is not known. Some risk factors can increase the risk of developing this condition. These include:

  • Panic disorders
  • Another phobia
  • History of stressful or traumatic events
  • Family history of agoraphobia
  • Low self-esteem or depression

You may develop this medical condition if you experience many panic-like symptoms in a particular situation. Panic attacks are sudden bursts of fear and happen when there is no real danger. But this may cause you to develop a fear of getting panic attacks again in the future. That is why you may avoid leaving your house or enclosed crowded spaces because you worry you won't get help or people will judge you in case of another attack.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be another causative factor. Usually, PTSD occurs following a traumatic event and leads to anxiety and hypervigilance. It can lead to the onset of this anxiety disorder.

An extended period of isolation may increase the risk of developing this illness. For example, due to Covid-19, Indians have faced increased anxiety. Fear of getting Covid-19 combined with isolation caused by social distancing and quarantine can have a detrimental effect on the health of adults and children.

Common Signs

Some key signs of agoraphobia are:

  • Fear of leaving home alone.
  • Fear of crowds or waiting in lines.
  • Fear of enclosed spaces, such as movie theaters, elevators, or small stores.
  • Fear of open spaces, such as parking lots, bridges, or malls.
  • Fear of using public transportation, such as a bus, plane, or trains.
  • Chest pain or rapid heart rate in enclosed spaces.
  • You have trouble breathing, hyperventilate, get chills, or your face gets flushed.
  • You may also have an upset stomach.
  • You may feel like you might not survive the symptoms of a panic attack.
  • You may feel like you're not in control.
  • You may feel like you will look bad, or people will stare at you.

Tips for Managing It

Here are some tips to follow in your daily life:

  • Exercise: Lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise, can increase the production of brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed could be beneficial. Try to work out for 30 minutes every day. You do not have to go to the gym or do heavy weight lifting. Choose an exercise that you enjoy so you won't give up easily.
  • Eat Healthily: Eating a healthy diet consisting of whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein can make you feel better overall.
  • Reminders To Yourself: Tell yourself that it is just a panic attack. If you start to panic, recognize that you're having a panic attack rather than a heart attack. Remind yourself that this feeling is temporary, that it will pass, and that you're okay. Remove the fear of death or impending doom, which are signs of panic attacks. This allows you to concentrate on other methods of symptom relief.
  • Practice Daily Medication: Daily meditation or deep breathing techniques can help reduce anxiety and prevent panic attacks. You may experience less stress. It may also increase sensations of relaxation, comfort, and alertness while decreasing your symptoms of anxiety, despair, rage, and disorientation. If you start getting a panic attack, you will be able to control your breathing and prevent hyperventilation which can worsen the panic attack.
  • Limit Caffeine And Alcohol Intake: Caffeine (which increases anxiety) and alcohol (which initially reduces anxiety) can cause anxiety to go into overdrive. Reduce or avoid them if possible. Remember that coffee and soda aren't the only items that contain caffeine. Caffeine is also present in tea, chocolate, diet pills, pre-workout supplements, and other goods.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Anxiety causes muscle tension. Muscle relaxation exercises can reduce tension and improve relaxation during an episode. Progressive muscle relaxation tries to relax the entire body by simultaneously releasing tension in one group of muscles. Muscle relaxation techniques can help individuals stop panic by controlling their body's response. Muscle relaxation techniques can be taught to you by a therapist. They are most helpful when practiced beforehand.
  • Expose Yourself To Feared Situations: It's challenging to travel to places or be in situations that make you feel uneasy or trigger anxiety. However, visiting more such places can make them less terrifying and anxiety-inducing. But family members, friends, and your therapist can all assist you with various mental health disorders, including this one.

How to Recover From Your Symptoms

Following appropriate treatment options are recommended for treating this illness:

  • Psychotherapy: This, often known as talk therapy, entails meeting regularly with a mental health professional. You can now do this online as well. It allows you to discuss your anxieties and any issues contributing to them. For maximum success, psychotherapy and medicines are both prescribed.
  • Anxiety Treatment with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most commonly utilized type of psychotherapy to treat this illness. Cognitive therapy can teach you new ways to think about or approach panic-inducing events, making you feel less fearful and reducing physical symptoms.
  • Exposure Therapy: You can also use exposure therapy to help you conquer your concerns. This style of therapy involves gradually exposing you to the circumstances or places you are afraid of. This may cause your dread to fade with time.
  • Medications: There are many drugs that your doctor might suggest for treating this illness, but the most common are antidepressants, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors. Usually, you will take medications for six months. Once you will alright and no longer anxious, doctors may advise you to taper off them.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

Living with such disabling anxiety is complex. While you cannot prevent the symptoms of agoraphobia, an early treatment plan for anxiety disorders may be beneficial.

If you feel you have this illness, don't hesitate to get help. If you start your treatment early, the prognosis can be good. This illness can be highly burdensome because it affects your day-to-day life by causing an extreme fear of everyday situations. You can significantly reduce your symptoms and enhance your quality of life with therapy and anti-anxiety medications.

Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

If you or your loved ones have agoraphobia, you may fear getting out of your house or traveling to a medical professional. With Docvita, you can talk to a compassionate therapist from the comfort of your home. Book a counseling session with Docvita.