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Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, "It is not events that upset us, but our judgments about events." And this is the principle that inspired the work of Albert Ellis on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. This suggests that, rather than the event itself, our ideas and attitudes regarding external events have a larger role in developing emotional distress.

But, understanding this is not enough. REBT is a life-long procedure, and the best way to get better and stay better through it is to challenge irrational beliefs, alter irrational "musts," and turn unpleasant emotions into more uplifting ones. Simply said, the only way to improve is to put in the effort to alter our views. And for this, time and practice are necessary.

Yet, It could be challenging for someone to ask for help for their mental health problems. Speaking about your problems while seated in a therapist's office can be intimidating. And we understand the difficulties involved in confronting your fears and expressing your concerns in an unknown environment. So, you can now receive online assistance for your mental health. With rapid technological advancement, you have more power to choose a knowledgeable and skilled mental healthcare professional and receive top-notch help from the privacy and security of your home.

On this page
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About Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
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About Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
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What is REBT?
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What are the Benefits?
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The ABC Model
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Common Techniques
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What Conditions Can it Help Treat?
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Stoic philosopher Epictetus said, "It is not events that upset us, but our judgments about events." And this is the principle that inspired the work of Albert Ellis on Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. This suggests that, rather than the event itself, our ideas and attitudes regarding external events have a larger role in developing emotional distress.

But, understanding this is not enough. REBT is a life-long procedure, and the best way to get better and stay better through it is to challenge irrational beliefs, alter irrational "musts," and turn unpleasant emotions into more uplifting ones. Simply said, the only way to improve is to put in the effort to alter our views. And for this, time and practice are necessary.

Yet, It could be challenging for someone to ask for help for their mental health problems. Speaking about your problems while seated in a therapist's office can be intimidating. And we understand the difficulties involved in confronting your fears and expressing your concerns in an unknown environment. So, you can now receive online assistance for your mental health. With rapid technological advancement, you have more power to choose a knowledgeable and skilled mental healthcare professional and receive top-notch help from the privacy and security of your home.

What is REBT?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is the pioneering form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). It was developed by psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950s and was previously called rational therapy or rational emotive therapy. The goal of REBT is to identify common irrational beliefs and negative thought patterns that can lead to emotional and behavioral problems. Once these core beliefs have been recognized, the therapist will help you develop strategies to replace these with rational and positive thinking patterns.

According to research, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is an action-oriented approach that can be an efficient therapy method when used properly. A therapist can assist a patient in realizing that an event does not result in consequences. Instead, it is the person's core beliefs, thoughts, and feelings about the incident, rather than the event itself, that can cause their unfavorable response. A person's quality of life may be improved when a therapist employs this treatment effectively by assisting them in realizing that they have more control over their reactions than they had previously imagined.

To help understand the psyche of individuals better, Ellis developed concepts such as awfulizing and musterbating. This means that some people tend to make situations awful by catastrophizing. They tend to distort reality by imagining worst-case scenarios or adopting all-or-nothing thinking. Additionally, in the case of musterbating, the person uses an absolutist approach and creates emotional unrest by using words like “must,” “should,” “ought,” and “never.”

What are the Benefits?

Ellis' goal was to create an action-oriented approach to psychotherapy that was results-driven and focused on helping patients regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. He achieved this with REBT. This treatment approach is successful at reducing irrational beliefs and altering behaviors.

Overall, it has a number of behavioral advantages, including:

  • Reduced levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and rage
  • Better health and quality of life
  • Improved academic and social abilities

Apart from these, this approach also impacts one's life in the following ways:

  • It deals with attitudes, extremely unhealthy feelings (such as unhealthy anger, depression, anxiety, guilt, etc.), and maladaptive behaviors (such as procrastination, addiction, aggression, unhealthful eating, sleep disturbance, etc.) that can have a detrimental effect on one's level of life satisfaction.
  • Mental health professionals who specialize in this work with individuals very closely in an effort to understand their unique set of beliefs (attitudes, expectations, and personal rules) that frequently cause emotional distress.
  • To be more effective and satisfied at work, live successfully with others, parent and educate their children, improve our community and environment, and improve their emotional health and welfare, REBT assists individuals in developing a philosophy and a healthy way of life.

The ABC Model

The ABC model is a key idea of this treatment approach. This concept describes how, despite the fact that we may put the responsibility for our unhappiness on outside factors, the real cause of psychological suffering is how we perceive these external factors.

This treatment's foundation is that most people desire to succeed in life and accomplish their objectives. However, these objectives might occasionally be derailed by irrational thoughts and sentiments. These ideas are believed to affect how a person perceives sit

The ABC model is:

uations and circumstances.

The ABC model is:

  • Activating Event: An environmental occurrence or a circumstance that triggers a negative emotion or response.
  • Belief: These are the irrational thoughts or beliefs about the activating event.
  • Consequence: This is the emotional response- usually distressing emotions- to the belief or the consequence of holding that belief.

To illustrate this with the help of an example, imagine an employee thinks they must be perfect at their job. The activating event could be that they failed to perform well on a project. The triggered belief resulting from this activating event could be that they start cultivating irrational thoughts, "I am a failure," and "I cannot do anything right." The consequence could be that the employee constantly feels shame and guilt for not being perfect. They may also feel incompetent before their colleagues. This could also result in unnecessary stress to perform better in the future.

Thus, irrational beliefs can make it impossible to respond to situations in a healthy manner. This individual may be constantly swamped with regret, anxiety, and disappointment. However, this treatment teaches individuals to distinguish between healthy negative concerns and unhealthy anxiety. Healthy negative emotions may be helpful in difficult circumstances, or someone may actually realize they have no control over the situation and learn to let it go.

With anxiety, people frequently act in a way that is counterproductive to their goals and adopt rigid or extreme attitudes. REBT suggests that a person's views about the stressful situation significantly impact whether they experience unhealthy negative emotions. An individual is more likely to experience extreme negative emotional consequences if they have strict attitudes toward adversity and use words like "must," "absolutely," should," "have to," and "need to" in their sentences.

In this treatment, people are urged to accept responsibility for their beliefs and to recognize that they have a choice over their emotions. The therapy will also promote the use of helpful language.

The employee in the scenario might, for instance, could say, "I made myself anxious about not performing too well on the project. And if I have the ability to make myself worried, I have the option of ceasing to do so." Therefore, people realize that their own thoughts and beliefs caused them to feel these unsettling emotions rather than blaming the situation or the adversity.

Common Techniques

This treatment approach uses three main techniques corresponding to the ABC model. Depending on their prior therapeutic experiences and your symptoms, each therapist may employ a somewhat different combination of treatments. The three common techniques are:

  • Problem Solving: The goal of problem-solving is to assist the person in addressing the activating events (A) in the ABC model. This entails confronting the event or obstacle. Typical approaches to problem-solving include:
    • Learning social skills
    • Learning assertiveness
    • Learning conflict-resolution skills
    • Learning decision-making skills
  • Cognitive Restructuring Techniques: These focus on assisting the client in changing their irrational beliefs (B). Some strategies include:
    • Learning logical or rationalizing techniques
    • Learning humor and irony
    • Exposing yourself to feared situations
    • Disputing irrational thoughts
    • Looking at events differently or reframing
    • Guided imagery and visualization
  • Coping Techniques: These help you manage the negative emotions and the consequences (C) of irrational thoughts. Some techniques include:
    • Relaxation
    • Meditation
    • Mindfulness
    • Hypnosis
    • Breathing Exercises

What Conditions Can it Help Treat?

There are numerous potential uses of this treatment approach. It may work for a range of circumstances and mental health disorders because it emphasizes learning and taking action. This kind of therapy might even result in long-lasting transformation in people who receive it. Some conditions that can be treated with this therapy include:

  • Depression and Anxiety: People with depression or anxiety may find this therapy to help lessen their symptoms. The beneficial outcomes also seem to last after therapy is over. This might be the result of its emphasis on teaching methods, including identifying cognitive errors, challenging irrational ideas, distancing people from their behavior, and exercising acceptance.
  • Burnout at School or Work: The effects of this treatment on academic and professional performance have been widely studied. This method is efficient in easing burnout symptoms and continued to be helpful months after therapy ended. Group REBT can improve job satisfaction and organizational commitment while reducing stress and burnout connected to the workspace.
  • Sports-Related Issues: This therapy as a kind of treatment for athletes with mental health problems is gradually gaining favor. It can be used to improve and preserve the mental health of athletes by teaching them how to alter their perspectives and control their emotions. Even though the primary objective of REBT in sports psychology is to support the athlete's mental health, this frequently enhances their athletic performance too.
  • Sexual Abuse: Survivors of sexual abuse may convince themselves that they must have been in the wrong. This feeling may also be accompanied by guilt and shame surrounding the event. In REBT, this can be countered through disputation, where irrational beliefs can be challenged by writing them down so that the client can visibly see how false their unhelpful thinking patterns are.
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: This therapy demonstrates the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and actions. In the case of OCD, it teaches us how to stop carrying our compulsions even when we feel anxious. Through this therapy, patients can learn self-accepting behaviors and how to handle frustration in a better way.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: This treatment can help patients with PTSD by showing them how powerful their current, rigid beliefs are and how they might keep their unhappy past intact even in the present intact. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy liberates the patients by showing them that they have a choice and may choose to think logically about past traumas and experiences. By getting rid of outdated, self-defeating belief structures and attempting to adopt new, flexible, and empowering ideas about the past, they have the power to select their emotional fate.
  • Grief: REBT can help clients with prolonged grief or dysfunctional form of grief to distinguish between rational and helpful and irrational and unhelpful beliefs. It helps them identify the positive consequences of rational beliefs so that the individual can healthily re-engage with life over time.
  • Eating Disorders: An ED is generally caused by an individual's unrealistic body image, dissatisfaction with their physical appearance, and idealizing a particular body type. In such cases, REBT can help, as it teaches disputation through self-acceptance. It also promotes self-tolerance in individuals suffering from an ED.
  • Substance Abuse: The main goal is to promote sobriety and a return to health and happiness by reversing or reducing irrational beliefs and negative emotions that result in addictive behaviors.
    The fundamental goal of treating people with addiction tendencies is to help them think differently about situations, experience more positive emotional responses, and modify how they behave — i.e., stop using drugs or alcohol to deal with their emotions.

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This treatment procedure might be daunting and triggering for some individuals. As it can be difficult to accept irrational thought processes as unhealthy, engaging in a debate may appear harsh or confrontational. It can be even more challenging to process how to change these thoughts, as it may involve learning to let go of long-held beliefs.

Thus, you need a qualified and skilled REBT specialist to benefit from this therapy. And at DocVita, we can connect you with exactly who you need. We have several specialists who specialize in this treatment and would be happy to assist you in moving toward living your best life. Our therapists empathize and understand your situation and design treatment plans to suit your specific needs. All you need to do is to visit our website and schedule your first virtual consultation now!