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Gestalt therapy is a type of psychotherapy that builds self-awareness and breaks any negative belief system. The key is to bring attention to the present moment and appreciate personal growth. It can help treat anxiety, self-esteem, psychosomatic disorders, etc. In some cases, it is usual for your therapist to implement this therapy type with a combination of other psychotherapies.

Being aware of different therapy types can help you seek better help. Recognizing and accepting the fact that you need help might get overwhelming. And living in a society that stigmatizes mental health can make it even more challenging. However, you must not forget that prioritizing your mental health is a courageous act. It is essential to talk about mental health issues openly. If you find yourself distressed or identify with any symptoms of a mental disorder, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional.

Today, finding a therapist is way more convenient than ever before. Online therapy sessions are incredibly effective and comparatively more accessible. The comfort of your home can create a positive environment as you don't have to transition into the unfamiliarity of a new space. Virtual therapy sessions can also be beneficial for anyone who doesn't have the right provisions to seek traditional therapy. Additionally, virtual treatments can be relatively practical for someone with any disability.

On this page
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About Gestalt Therapy
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About Gestalt Therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Gestalt Therapy
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What is Gestalt Therapy?
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What are the Benefits?
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Common Techniques
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What Conditions Can it Help Treat?
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Gestalt therapy is a type of psychotherapy that builds self-awareness and breaks any negative belief system. The key is to bring attention to the present moment and appreciate personal growth. It can help treat anxiety, self-esteem, psychosomatic disorders, etc. In some cases, it is usual for your therapist to implement this therapy type with a combination of other psychotherapies.

Being aware of different therapy types can help you seek better help. Recognizing and accepting the fact that you need help might get overwhelming. And living in a society that stigmatizes mental health can make it even more challenging. However, you must not forget that prioritizing your mental health is a courageous act. It is essential to talk about mental health issues openly. If you find yourself distressed or identify with any symptoms of a mental disorder, don't hesitate to seek help from a professional.

Today, finding a therapist is way more convenient than ever before. Online therapy sessions are incredibly effective and comparatively more accessible. The comfort of your home can create a positive environment as you don't have to transition into the unfamiliarity of a new space. Virtual therapy sessions can also be beneficial for anyone who doesn't have the right provisions to seek traditional therapy. Additionally, virtual treatments can be relatively practical for someone with any disability.

What is Gestalt Therapy?

Gestalt therapy was developed in the 1940s and 1950s by German psychoanalyst and psychiatrist Fritz Perls and his wife, Laura Perls, a psychotherapist. The Perls couple practiced in Frankfurt and Berlin as psychoanalysts. But in 1933, they fled Nazi Germany and moved to South Africa, where they would later create the gestalt theory through the 1940s. Eventually, they came to New York, where they published "Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality" with the help of American writer and psychotherapist Paul Goodman.

Perls' assertion of behavioral science originated the gestalt theory by rooting away from the pre-existing Freudian notions of psychoanalysis theory. The concept of this theory was so different from any prior opinions that it emerged as an entirely new domain of psychotherapy. While the traditional psychoanalysis theories were more verbal-centric, this theory took a more personal and artful approach.

This term has a German origin. Although the word doesn't have any direct translation in English, it roughly means 'whole' or a 'complete shape or form.' This concept works on the basis of gestalt psychology. This talks about perceiving humans as a whole rather than any singular traits or events in their lives. Additionally, the therapy focuses on a here-and-now approach.

Several events and experiences shape a person into who they are. And to assess an individual based on any events that shaped them is unfair. But this approach views the person as a holistic being. It doesn't generalize any character trait but makes the person identify their unique experiences. The essential aspect of finding a sense of wholeness is resolving unfinished business from the past, which can be any unresolved issue, such as anger towards a specific person or pain caused by an unpleasant incident. It is unlikely for these emotions to reconcile with inner peace just by talking about it. A person must express these feelings freely in the present context to get over them or to understand the distress they may cause. When a person cannot resolve their past traumatic influences, it might be possible to develop other psychological ailments.

Gestalt therapy allows a person to rearrange their belief system to accept their entire self and build a healthier mindset. It encourages the practice of self-awareness and progress through acceptance. Perls's approach to therapy was to free people from any expectations. It isn't someone's responsibility to fulfill others' expectations for them, nor should a person expect others to do the same. When people solely focus on themselves, they begin to understand how their choices affect their physical and mental health. Self-awareness allows people to view how their physical and emotional selves are connected. And it is up to them to achieve their goals ad unlock their potential.

Gestalt therapists allow their clients to express themselves in a non-judgemental environment. You can accept them not to impose any suggestion from a subjective point of view. However, they might offer you coping techniques to better understand your emotions based on your body language and by assessing your concerns.

What are the Benefits?

Gestalt therapy is an inclusive and humanistic therapy type. It incorporates treatment methods that benefit an individual's personal growth. There are some key benefits that are highly evident. These include:

  • Self-awareness: We live in the present moment but often dwell on the past. This treatment approach helps you prioritize the present and increases self-awareness.
  • Acceptance: This treatment offers a phenomenological method to accept ourselves. Our entire selves. It is only by accepting our whole personality that we truly overcome any resentment we might have for ourselves.
  • Self-confidence: When you discover and acknowledge every emotion, you become more confident. You get the authority over your life choices and the decisions you make and you become more assured to control your responses to a situation better.
  • Responsibility: According to this theory, there are two instances where we feel responsible. One is when we are aware, and another is when we accept our impulses. Through this treatment, you learn to embrace both possibilities.
  • Perseverance: It is possible to fall back into the loop of self-doubt or dilemma after facing a hardship. However, this treatment approach helps you build a tenacity to become resilient to getting affected by any distress.

This treatment approach can effectively help an individual overcome their concerns. However, there are some limitations. This treatment cannot deal with any psychological factor that is genetic. Or if, in any case, the psychological aspect is influenced by any external factor and not their thoughts.

Common Techniques

Some of the common techniques are:

  • Empty chair technique: This technique is most commonly associated with this therapy. A person is encouraged to converse in front of an empty chair. This activity helps an individual envision a particular person they want to confront. When you open up and speak out about the things left unresolved in the past, you get the opportunity to heal yourself. Unfinished business can be highly exhausting and drain the energy you can utilize to heal yourself. Sometimes, the person sitting in the empty chair can even be your alter self. We might ignore it, but sometimes our perception detrimentally affects us. It is crucial to express emotions that have been suppressed for a long time.
  • "Here" and "now": It is essential to account for past experiences. But it is equally important to recognize the influence those experiences have on you in the present time. So, if a past incident is causing you distress, it is helpful to perceive them in the present moment and move forward.
  • Paradoxical change: It is one of the most effective techniques to improve self-awareness. The paradoxical theory of change targets an individual's necessity to accept their whole self. Unconditional acceptance allows you to acknowledge your thoughts and beliefs, both negative and positive. This prepares you to manage your emotions better and have control over them.
  • Exaggeration technique: Your therapist might ask you to exaggerate any bodily movement or behavior. Upon observing your body language, they might notice any behavior, which on exaggeration, might help you discover any underlying issue.
  • Asking questions: You may expect your therapist to ask you questions, specifically in the present context. Questions like "How do you feel right now?" can shift your focus and drive attention to the present moment. A gestalt therapist needs to assert the importance of the present moment.
  • Role playing: Your therapist might ask you to enact a particular incident to help you recognize your emotions. This technique reveals the significance of empathy, which helps you better understand your sentiments. When you imagine talking to a person, you allow yourself the liberty to comprehend your thought and belief pattern.
  • Confrontation: This technique is very similar to role-playing. It enables you to confront a person in a hypothetical situation. In confronting a person, you can uncover the suppressed emotions you couldn't express at the time.
  • Body work: This therapy has a humanistic approach. Therefore, it is not unusual for your therapist to suggest you engage in physical activities. Bodily movement, such as dancing, can offer an emotional outlet. Physical activities can be highly effective in achieving a sense of calmness.
  • Dream work: Dreams are believed to be the portal to our subconscious mind. The gestalt theory accepts dreams as a part of the whole human existence. Tasks like dream journaling may help you discover the aspects that subconsciously affect your existence.
  • Art therapy: When words get overwhelming, art can be a perfect outlet for your emotions. Your therapist can suggest you engage in an artful activity.

What Conditions Can it Help Treat?

This approach can help treat several mental ailments and challenges. The therapeutic approach of this theory offers people to discover their true selves and overcome various mental disorders. Some common ailments that have a significant degree of effectiveness are:

  • Depression and Anxiety Disorder: This treatment is highly effective in treating symptoms of anxiety and depression. It allows you to find peace in the present moment by resolving past issues. It can also treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and conditions where past incidents are a significant reason of the mental illness. Perls's here-and-now approach allows a person to control flashbacks which generally lead to anxiety attacks.
  • Low Self-Esteem: Low self-esteem often roots in a lack of self-confidence. The inability to recognize one's self-worth becomes exceptionally detrimental to self-esteem. This treatment equips you with tools to help you accept your true self, which can be truly empowering in increasing self-esteem.
  • Relationship Issues: This treatment is a helpful approach when it comes to forming better relationships. It can help couples by offering a better understanding, which is essential in a relationship. Staying true to themselves and appreciating the present can help people appreciate their relationship's value because personal growth and self-love are the first steps to forming a genuine connection with another person.
  • Headaches or other pain: When a person continuously suffers from headaches or any other severe pain without any medical diagnosis, the pain is likely psychosomatic. In more straightforward terms, this can mean that a psychological factor influences pain. However, this therapy can help people recognize the factors that can trigger such pains. One of the goals of this therapy is to discard negative belief patterns and establish healthier ones. This practice encourages people to form a sense of peace and resolve any issues that can be the root of such pain.

However, only a professional can suggest if they should implement this therapy into your treatment plan. It would be best if you don't assume the effectiveness of a therapy type based on your symptoms.

Get Counseling from a Trusted Therapist With DocVita

Assessing a person just on the basis of a particular life event that they might have been through is truly unjust. It is similar to assuming the entire mass just by looking at the tip of the iceberg.

To genuinely comprehend a person's situation, paying attention to their whole self is essential. Similarly, for you to seek a solution for your mental distress, you must find a professional that is suitable for you.

Seeking therapy doesn't have to be stressful. With DocVita, you can easily access skilled therapists. And you get the freedom to choose a therapist that is the right fit for your concerns. You can expect total transparency and a non-judgemental environment from our therapists.

Get counseling from a trusted therapist with DocVita from the comfort of your home today!