Book Online Counselling and Treatment for Tourette Syndrome

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Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects brain function, triggering sudden involuntary actions known as tics. Their spontaneous nature makes it challenging to stop or control the movement. They can be of two types:

  • Motor tics: Including body movements like shoulder shrugging or knee-jerking.
  • Vocal tics: including sudden screams, whistles, and coughs, or in some cases, voicing out specific phrases.

If you or your loved one suffers from this condition or some form of tic disorder, you should consider talking to a mental health professional. Diagnosing the symptoms on your own can be stressful. Hence, it would be best to seek a professional's consultation.

On this page
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About Tourette Syndrome Therapy
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About Tourette Syndrome Therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Tourette Syndrome Therapy
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Mental Health Care for Managing Your Tics
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Start a Session at Your Convenience
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Major Causes
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Common Signs
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Risk Factors
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How to Deal With Your Symptoms
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

Tourette Syndrome is a neurological disorder that affects brain function, triggering sudden involuntary actions known as tics. Their spontaneous nature makes it challenging to stop or control the movement. They can be of two types:

  • Motor tics: Including body movements like shoulder shrugging or knee-jerking.
  • Vocal tics: including sudden screams, whistles, and coughs, or in some cases, voicing out specific phrases.

If you or your loved one suffers from this condition or some form of tic disorder, you should consider talking to a mental health professional. Diagnosing the symptoms on your own can be stressful. Hence, it would be best to seek a professional's consultation.


Some motor tics can be detrimental, where a person can unintentionally harm themselves. Coprolalia, a vocal tic, leads to swearing or using inappropriate language involuntarily. Both are socially unacceptable and can lead the individual to feel ostracized.
This condition isn't a disease that you can eradicate through medication. The condition becomes bearable with adulthood and behavioural therapy. Sometimes, a person doesn't even need prolonged treatment or cure.
You can enquire at your nearest mental health clinic to find a professional or look for a therapist online.
No, it doesn't cause any disorder but can persist with other conditions. In most cases, the disorders are behavioural by nature.
Primary diagnosis includes observing the tics. To conclude, if a person has this condition, the person should show symptoms before 18. The tics should also persist for more than a year.

Mental Health Care for Managing Your Tics

There isn't a definitive treatment for Tourette Syndrome or a tic disorder. But, to some degree, every type of tic disorder is treatable. Typically, a child or a person suffering from TS is also prone to one or other forms of behavioural therapy, such as ADHD, OCD, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), or an anxiety disorder. The prescribed medication treats the extra condition that occurs with this disorder.

Two types of treatment have a significant effect on recognizing and controlling tics. CBIT and Habit Reversal Therapy are the two usually implemented behavioural treatments.

  • CBIT: Also known as Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics, works on three principal bases: respond, recognize and reduce.
    • Respond: The first step is to create a competing response to the tic. This means replacing the involuntary action with a voluntary one. For instance, taking a deep breath (voluntary) can stop repetitive throat clearing.
    • Recognize: In some cases, people might feel a sensation right before a tic occurs. Psychiatrists identify the notion as a 'premonitory urge.' Recognizing the urge might help in stopping or masking the tic.
    • Reduce: The most crucial thing to repress a tic is to stay calm. Any form of anxiety can relapse into a harmful fit, sometimes even hurting the person.
  • Habit reversal therapy: Habit reversal therapy typically consists of 8 to 16 weekly therapy sessions. The time can change based on one type of tic at a time. In kids and teens, it is advisable to monitor the tic and keep a record. The record is to recognize the pattern and frequency of the tic and should also include the time of day and where it occurred. This therapy can even train the parents or caregiver to deal with the tics.

Start a Session at Your Convenience

Tic disorders can range from minor to some of the most severe. Primarily, they are three types:

  • Provisional tic disorder: In this case, the tics, both motor or vocal (one or both), are temporary. Which means it can subside in less than a year
  • Persistent tic disorder: This case is chronic, where the tic, either motor or vocal, can carry on for more than a year.
  • Tourette syndrome: This is the most severe case, where the tics are more frequent and last up to a lost time. TS triggers both motor and vocal tics.

Tic disorders are a common occurrence in many children. But TS is the most extreme form of this disorder. It generally develops early in childhood.

Tourette Syndrome has no definite cure. But medication and behavioural therapy can make remarkable developments. According to researchers, TS also links to other medical and mental conditions.

Major Causes

The exact cause of TS is not yet discovered. Commonly, the condition is hereditary and passes through genes. Prenatal risks can also deter brain function, affecting the ability to break down neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters, like dopamine, regulate behaviour and movement. A significant spike in dopamine can violently trigger tics.

Common Signs

Tics are the primary sign of Tourette Syndrome. An individual can show signs of TS from an early age. Usually, the symptoms occur from five to seven years of age and progress around preteen.

Tics can be simple or complex. Simple ones, such as shrugging, involve a single muscle group. In contrast, complex tic can be jumping or flailing, which affects multiple muscle groups. An example of a simple tic can be coughing, and a complex one can be a phrase or curse word.

Risk Factors

There are certain risk factors for this condition. These include:

  • Prenatal factor: Smoking or some health difficulties can lead to a higher chance of the child developing TS.
  • Hereditary: If a parent has some degree of TS or a tic disorder, they can pass it to their offspring as a dominant gene.
  • Gender: Children assigned male at birth are three to four times more likely to develop TS than those assigned female.

How to Deal With Your Symptoms

This condition can make it difficult for a person to navigate daily life. Especially for a child, it can be disheartening to face discrimination due to their condition. The disorder can make it challenging to focus on their academic performance. The person suffering from TS must have supportive parents, friends, and teachers. The best remedy for the disorder can be support and acceptance.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

If you or someone close to you have similar symptoms, you might consider consulting a professional. It would be best if you got treated by a licensed therapist. Tourette's isn't a disorder you can brush off and wait to subside. Finding a therapist that you are satisfied with is essential. Behavioural therapy from the right professional can make significant changes in managing the condition.

Therapists can aid you in discovering tools that work for you and even prepare you to steer through your tics. You must remember that there is always a right therapist to help you.

Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

At DocVita, you can find the therapist that suits your concerns. You can put all the extra worries at bay with DocVita, where we let you browse through considerable professionals. We also provide a straightforward process to book your virtual psychotherapy appointment, all from the comfort of your space.

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