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Intimacy is an emotional, intellectual, experiential, and physical connection one person forms with another in any relationship. It is the ability to share space and be close with another person and develops over time.You get to know someone, develop a sense of compassion for them, and become at ease around them. If this can build and sustain relationships, a lack of it can break them.

Some people are afraid of intimacy. They might be fearful of having a deep emotional or physical connection. If you experience this, you may commonly push others away or even ruin relationships. But you may not typically want to avoid being close to others and even yearn for companionship.

These are known as intimacy issues. Overcoming this condition can take patience and care. That is because it takes time and space to explore and comprehend the contributing factors. You also need to be patient while you practice allowing yourself to be more vulnerable.

On this page
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About Intimacy issues Therapy
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About Intimacy issues Therapy
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Therapists / Counselors for Intimacy issues Therapy
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Mental Health Care for Fears of Being Intimate
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Major Causes
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Common Signs
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Risk Factors
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How to Deal With Your Symptoms
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Ways to Help a Partner Experiencing This Phobia
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

Intimacy is an emotional, intellectual, experiential, and physical connection one person forms with another in any relationship. It is the ability to share space and be close with another person and develops over time.You get to know someone, develop a sense of compassion for them, and become at ease around them. If this can build and sustain relationships, a lack of it can break them.

Some people are afraid of intimacy. They might be fearful of having a deep emotional or physical connection. If you experience this, you may commonly push others away or even ruin relationships. But you may not typically want to avoid being close to others and even yearn for companionship.

These are known as intimacy issues. Overcoming this condition can take patience and care. That is because it takes time and space to explore and comprehend the contributing factors. You also need to be patient while you practice allowing yourself to be more vulnerable.


People with this condition may not be devoid or incapable of love. Some people with this ailment yearn for love and affection.
This condition may often be accompanied by health and physical problems. People who score higher on the scale for fear of intimacy report having more physical and mental health disorders. Many people are unaware of the connection between this and mental health conditions like anxiety disorder or depression. They may also be unaware of physical symptoms like chronic pain.
Yes, abandonment might impair a person's ability to trust others. People with abandonment anxiety might find it difficult to form healthy relationships. They may feel that once they get attached, that individual might leave. These feelings can also make it difficult for a person to feel worthy of love and be intimate in all their relationships.
Don't give up if you care about the person facing this problem. Healthy connections require effort and patience. You can make things work as long as both of you are willing. You might also suggest setting up a therapy appointment for this particular condition. In such situations, therapists are experts. They can assist you in navigating the problems with greater ease.
If a loved one of yours has these feelings, keep the lines of communication open. Inform them that you are willing to listen, but don't pressure them to share the cause of their concern. It might be too painful for them. Encourage them to seek help from a trusted provider.

Mental Health Care for Fears of Being Intimate

This condition can be challenging and lead to feelings of discomfort in allowing people to get to know you for all you are. Because of this, you might only have intimate ties with your relatives. However, maintaining family ties can also be tough for some people.

If you battle this illness, on the surface, you may feel like everything is going well. But on the inside, you might be suffering. Your inability to effectively connect with others or feel at ease could be problematic. They cause you to have hidden feelings of alienation, detachment, and growing loneliness. Another reason you may be living below your potential is that you struggle to ask for assistance and support in times of crisis. It can lead to various issues, such as anxiety, despair, or identity crises.

Thus, if you experience the symptoms of this condition, it is crucial to seek counseling. Before things get worse for you, a mental healthcare professional can assist you. Therapy aids you in navigating these problems. This is because these problems can come into perspective with the right medical provider. Thus, they can be approached more wholesomely. A therapist can assist you in unmasking the negative attitudes and creating positive feelings about these issues. They can help you and the other person involved in finding solutions and making changes for a better relationship.

Major Causes

There are various causes of this condition. A few of them may include:

  • Abandonment Anxiety: This clinical condition can extend from deep childhood wounds or unsuccessful relationships. There is a feeling that the person you love can leave at any time and without much notice. As a result, avoiding closeness could become a coping mechanism.
  • Avoidant Personality Disorder: Social inhibition is a feature of this illness. You may frequently have extreme sensitivity to criticism and get fixated on what other people think of you. As a result, you might retreat from social interactions and could start to fear intimacy in all of your relationships.

    Although you desire closeness, you might frequently struggle to keep meaningful relationships. You may also avoid talking about yourself due to the fear of being judged or criticized, especially by those you highly regard.

  • Dread Of Engulfment: People with this are afraid of losing themselves and their sense of self in a relationship. If you experience this, you may dread being controlled and dominated in relationships. Therefore, you might also avoid exposing your vulnerable side to the other person.
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder: In relationships, people with a paranoid personality may dread retaliation. The thought of your insecurities used against you can be scary for you. You may also be afraid of your vulnerabilities being disclosed to those outside the relationship.
  • Being Afraid Of Rejection: If you fear rejection, you could feel insecure. Acceptance for who you are might seem difficult. It could lead to a lack of self-validation and thus obstruct your ability to be truly intimate.

Common Signs

Someone with this condition may:

  • indulge in sabotaging habits
  • have low self-worth
  • have trust issues
  • have poor communication skills
  • experience episodes of anger
  • be emotionally unavailable
  • purposefully avoid physical contact
  • find long-term relationships difficult
  • have a history of short and unstable relationships
  • be unable to express emotions or share feelings
  • live in self-imposed social isolation

Risk Factors

These may often stem back to childhood. Certain factors which might increase the risk of developing this condition later in life can include:

  • Entangled Families: These are characterized by a lack of boundaries and emotional separation. The blurred boundaries and roles could prevent the members from developing a strong and independent sense of self. It might also lead to problems with attachment and closeness.
  • Neglect: Self-indulgent behavior, substance abuse, or physical or mental illness on the parents' part can result in negligence. People who experience neglect as children may find it challenging to trust and depend on others as adults.
  • Abuse: Fear of intimate emotional or sexual connections can result from sexual, verbal, or physical abuse during childhood. After such an experience, it can be challenging to have enough trust in another person.
  • Parental Loss: People who have lost a parent—due to whatever reason—might feel abandoned. As a result, individuals could find it more difficult to develop close relationships as adults.

How to Deal With Your Symptoms

Managing your symptoms primarily comes down to facing the challenges and negative attitudes head-on. It could be a critical step if you want to make a change that would last. Some practical ways of dealing with your symptoms may include:

  • Accepting Uncertainty: When you have this condition, you may also be afraid of the outcomes and consequences of your relationships. It's critical to acknowledge that no connection is guaranteed to last. Therefore, you must cultivate courage and develop positive relationship experiences. As a result, your fright could lessen.
  • Build Safe Spaces: If you suffer from this disorder, you could behave in ways that distance your loved ones. You might shut down or escape. Therefore, surround yourself with people who are sympathetic to your situation and won't take your actions personally. They must be aware that you might require some time and space. Instead of expressing annoyance or displeasure, they should be understanding and helpful.
  • Practice Self-Compassion: If you wish to overcome this condition, you must first feel at ease with yourself. If you fully understand and embrace your value and worth as a person, rejection may not be as devastating as it may appear.
  • Evaluate Your Past: Looking back at your early ties with family, friends, or romantic relationships is crucial in developing deep connections. Our childhood experiences may influence our expectations and attitudes about adult relationships.

    The habits that led to this condition might repeat if we don't understand and face our past.

  • Seek Help: In the safe environment provided by therapy, you can share problems and pinpoint difficulties. A therapist can teach you coping mechanisms and assist you in understanding the emotions that underlie your behaviors.

Ways to Help a Partner Experiencing This Phobia

How you can help your partner can include:

  • Firstly, you need to remember that this condition manifests in those relationships that the person cherishes and not in superficial ones. Thus, if your partner exhibits symptoms, they could be triggered by positive emotions.
  • You need to practice patience if your partner is coping with intimacy issues. It's crucial to build safety and trust if you wish your partner to open up.
  • If your partner tries to distance themselves from you, try not to take it personally or become angry. Recognize that they aren't rejecting you but may be afraid of being rejected by you.
  • Remember their fear of abandonment, rejection, or engulfment as you consider your partner's actions and words.
  • It's crucial to express your affection in both words and actions frequently. Make an atmosphere where they can feel like they deserve your affection.
  • Remind your partner that getting past the fear is a team effort. While you may be curious about their past, it is essential not to probe into it. All your partner needs is your love and support.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

All of us occasionally need help confronting our problems. A mental health specialist who is right for you can provide this. They can assist you in identifying the underlying cause of this condition. They are also capable of helping you overcome grave problems like trauma. These well-qualified specialists can also determine whether or not a mental health disease contributes to your intimacy issues.

However, for this, you need to find a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and is non-judgemental. While having an instant connection with your mental healthcare provider can be difficult, you must give it a few sessions. If you need to ensure that your counselor is a good fit for you and has experience handling your specific situation, you must contact us at DocVita.

Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

From our wide range of skilled and licensed therapists, you can choose one who best suits your needs. All you need to do is visit our page and book your first online therapy session today.