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Mental Health Care for ASPD

Only a limited amount of study supports a definitive therapy for antisocial personality disorder, but therapists often approach it through many different treatments. The goal is usually focused on changing the way you might perceive certain emotions. These include:

  • Helping you re-evaluate your negative emotions.
  • Giving you the ability to comprehend the consequences of your actions.
  • Managing impulse reactions, leading to self-harm or violence against others.
On this page
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About Antisocial Personality Disorder
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About Antisocial Personality Disorder
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Therapists / Counselors for Antisocial Personality Disorder
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Start a Session at Your Convenience
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Major Causes
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Common Signs
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Risk Factors
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Psychopath vs Sociopath
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How to Deal With Your Symptoms
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Mental Health Care for ASPD

Only a limited amount of study supports a definitive therapy for antisocial personality disorder, but therapists often approach it through many different treatments. The goal is usually focused on changing the way you might perceive certain emotions. These include:

  • Helping you re-evaluate your negative emotions.
  • Giving you the ability to comprehend the consequences of your actions.
  • Managing impulse reactions, leading to self-harm or violence against others.


This condition affects about 2% to 4% of men and 0.5% to 1% of women in the general population.
The term sociopath is generally used to describe ASPD, but it is not clinically the same. However, there is a slight chance that the traits of both disorders have similarities to a certain degree, but they are not the same thing.
Early signs of the disorder can be visible in early childhood or teenage years. These include misconducts like stealing or bullying. It can get diagnosed as a conduct disorder before the age of 18 years. In some cases, it could also go undiagnosed as the symptoms may overlap with ADHD. Often, through counselling, the condition may get treated. But, if it continues after the age of 18, it becomes an antisocial disorder.
There is a possibility that people with this condition might incline to violence. But, with stress/anxiety medication and counselling sessions customized to the person's symptoms, it can be managed. Several people can function efficiently in society with the help of a trusting therapist.
There is no particular medical test to determine whether someone has this condition. However, if a person shows signs of conduct disorder, a mental health professional is assigned to observe the person.

Start a Session at Your Convenience

The adequate mental health care options include:

  • Psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Cognitive Behavioral Therapy lets you identify your belief pattern and dysfunctional behavior through consistent counselling sessions under a therapist. It allows you to recognize thoughts that are maladaptive to a certain situation. You may learn how to differentiate and correlate your emotion with your surroundings. It might even help you to understand how your behavior affects others. CBT is often offered in the form of individual therapy or family therapy. You might even have the option of group therapy, depending on your situation.
  • Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT): ASPD often affects you in a way you cannot mentalize. This refers to identifying and comprehending your mental state in general. MBT focuses on establishing an interaction between you and your therapist. They may help you focus on the present, not the past. It can allow you to understand your emotions and form connections clearly. MBT helps you with regulating your anger and adjust to social influences. It may also help you with paranoid thoughts, delusion, and violent impulses. Overall, MBT has a positive outcome that affects your general mental well-being.
  • Impulsive Lifestyle Counselling: In some cases, this ailment might result in substance abuse. Impulsive lifestyle counselling is a therapy to treat ASPD and substance abuse together. It focuses on educating and making you aware of the demerits that follow these disorders. The therapy involves six short sessions of up to an hour. It might have a promising effect on your livelihood as it helps you overcome substance abuse remarkably.

Antisocial Personality Disorder is one of many personality disorders. It affects your ability to regulate your emotions toward others. It can show up as a lack of empathy and even disregard for people. This disorder might leave you with little to no regard for social values. You might feel unable to comprehend if your actions are right or wrong or what the consequences of those actions could be.

Suffering from this condition might make you feel alienated or ostracized from society. It can lead you to be inconsiderate of the people around you. You might even think that you don't fit into the societal norms. This disorder also affects your mental health. You may find yourself in a situation where you cannot control your anger and act impulsively. People with this disorder are also prone to breaking the law. It may even make you susceptible to substance abuse and violence.

Admitting that you might have a problem can be difficult if you suffer from ASPD. However, if you are noticing symptoms such as angry outbursts or anxiety, you may want to consider a helping hand. You can even observe how well you relate to the people around you or how they react to your actions. There are mental health professionals skilled in helping you overcome the symptoms.

Major Causes

Antisocial disorder doesn't have an exact cause. It can form due to personality changes. Personality, however, is influenced by various factors. It is shaped based on emotions, thoughts, and behavior. Your environment and upbringing have a major role in creating your personality. It is responsible for how you perceive yourself and others and your comprehension and relation to society. Some significant causes play an essential role in this disorder. These include:

  • Genetics: Studies show that many cases are linked to genetics. If your family has an underlying history of ASPD, which is generally undiagnosed, you might inherit genetic traits responsible for developing personality disorders. Genetic factors affect your neural systems. The dopamine system is responsible for mood regulation. The serotonin system is responsible for the sleep cycle and impulse control. And the epinephrine system controls the fight or flight. All three are majorly influenced and can lead to this condition.
  • Upbringing and Environment: Your upbringing and environment might also have a vital influence. Factors such as substance abuse during pregnancy can have a consequential impact. Other risk factors, including stress, anxiety, and complications during pregnancy, can also be a reason. Childhood trauma, both verbal and emotional, also plays an important role in personality disorders. And societal influence, such as upbringing in an underdeveloped educational background or violent environment, can factor in too. A dysfunctional parental figure can also have a direct impact.

Common Signs

The symptoms of ASPD may include:

  • Disregard for the consequences of your actions.
  • Inability to morally differentiate what is right or wrong.
  • Compulsive lying or manipulative behavior.
  • Disrespect and low level of trust toward people.
  • Exploiting people for personal gain.
  • Superiority complex and high level of arrogance.
  • Impulsive reactions as opposed to the ability to plan.
  • Low to no remorse after inflicting pain or causing harm to others.
  • Demonstrating violent and criminal behavior frequently.
  • Hostile, irritable, and aggressive behavior.
  • Inability to stay honest.
  • Inability to commit to a task, irresponsible behavior.
  • Unable to form trusting relationships.
  • Inclined to get into an abusive relationship.

ASPD can persist for a long time. But, if the symptoms are clear and the treatment starts early, there is a chance of treating the disorder. In some cases, destructive behaviors also seem to subside with time. It is important to become aware so that you know your options and how to deal with a personality disorder.

Risk Factors

Studies show that men are more likely to develop an antisocial personality disorder than women. And the consequences of the condition are likely to affect the people around you as well. For instance, some of the major significant risk factors are:

  • Developing abusive behavior toward your partner, children, or family members.
  • Being susceptible to alcohol and substance abuse.
  • Developing suicidal behavior.
  • Developing criminal behavior.
  • Constantly being at harm's risk due to violent behavior.
  • Unable to maintain a good social or financial lifestyle.
  • Risk of premature or unnatural death due to rebellious nature.

Psychopath vs Sociopath

It is challenging to differentiate between these two terms, as people often make the mistake of considering them synonymous. However, though both of these terms might have overlapping symptoms, they are two completely different disorders. Let's take a look at the differences.

  • Sociopaths do not care how someone feels, making it evident. Psychopaths, on the other hand, pretend to empathize with people around them but don't feel empathy.
  • Sociopaths often lose their temper and cannot manage their anger. A psychopath won't show any extreme emotion in front of people.
  • Sociopaths tend to lose control over their emotions and might take the extra mile to manipulate people. A psychopath doesn't invest much emotion and approaches violence strategically.
  • Sociopaths tend to rationalize their behavior even if they know it is wrong. Psychopaths don't pay much attention to rationalizing their actions.
  • While sociopaths have trouble maintaining a normal life, a psychopath can pretend to lead one perfectly well.
  • Sociopaths might develop meaningful relationships over time. Psychopaths are unable to form genuine relationships.

How to Deal With Your Symptoms

Often, in the case of an antisocial disorder, you might find it difficult to admit that you have a problem. In most cases, people wait too long and might find themselves seeking help after they can no longer get a hold of their situation. They might even seek help after getting involved in criminal activity. However, when it comes to your aggressive outbursts, you need to pay attention to how the people around you react. By observing this, you can reach out for help at the appropriate time.

If you get diagnosed with antisocial disorder, it is essential to understand your symptoms and seek help accordingly. You might consider getting help from an experienced mental health professional. You can ask a family member to accompany you to your counselling sessions. Consider a trusting family member who can help you. They can assist you in recognizing your symptoms and even help if you find it difficult to discuss them on your own.

Try making a list of your concerning behavior and symptoms and how long they have persisted. Observe and note down any triggers that might have influenced your anger issues. Try collecting as much information as possible about your and your family's medical history. Also, include any prior traumatic experiences.

You can also prepare beforehand what to expect and what to ask your therapist. You can prepare a set of questions if that puts you at ease. Here are some examples that you might help.

  • What is the primary cause of my symptoms?
  • What type of therapy can benefit me?
  • What are the different factors affecting my personality disorder?
  • How long do the treatments last?
  • How consistent should the treatments be?
  • Are there any prescribed medications that can help me?
  • Can my symptoms be affected due to family history?
  • Are my symptoms genetically influenced?
  • Can my symptoms affect my relationships?
  • How much of a change should I expect?

The questions can vary according to your symptoms. You might even have your own unique issues. Feel confident to discuss it with your therapist.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

You might get concerned over the treatment as the disorder is known to carry on throughout your life. Just remember there is a fair chance of overcoming your condition. Find a therapist who is right for you. They will know how to guide you in suppressing your dysfunctional emotions.

A mental health professional with experience in cases like yours can greatly help. You might notice a massive change if you stick to your treatment. You can find solutions that offer a cure to your specific symptoms.

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