Book Online Counselling and Treatment for Anger Issues

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Anger is a natural emotion we all feel and sometimes express. This emotional state might range from minor irritation to full-fledged rage and fury. When this healthy emotion damages your relationships and life, it becomes toxic. A person's family environment, heredity, and mental health conditions are all elements and triggers that might cause them to get furious. The good news is that there are effective methods for managing and treating this condition.
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About Anger Management Treatment
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About Anger Management Treatment
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Therapists / Counselors for Anger Management Treatment
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Mental Health Care for Controlling Your Emotional Outbursts
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Major Causes
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Common Triggers
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Signs You Might Need Help
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How to Deal With Your Problems
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Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You
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Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today
Anger is a natural emotion we all feel and sometimes express. This emotional state might range from minor irritation to full-fledged rage and fury. When this healthy emotion damages your relationships and life, it becomes toxic. A person's family environment, heredity, and mental health conditions are all elements and triggers that might cause them to get furious. The good news is that there are effective methods for managing and treating this condition.


Many reasons can contribute to irritability or snapping at others. A few of them are:

  • Life stress
  • Anger issues
  • Lack of sleep
  • Low blood sugar
  • Hormonal changes

Many health disorders may also cause you to snap: These may include:

  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Autism

Instead of looking for reasons, you should seek advice from mental health providers. They can give you an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

There are primarily three different types. These may include:

  • Outward: This is the most apparent manifestation. It can manifest in verbal or physical expressions, like shouting, hitting, breaking things, or being physically or verbally abusive toward others.
  • Inward: This is an internalized form of where you punish yourself. It entails negative self-talk, depriving yourself of things that make you joyful, and even basic requirements like eating. Self-harm, social isolation, and depression are some ways through which one may channel anger.
  • Passive: Here, a person expresses their feelings indirectly and subtly. It may involve sulking, postponing, starving themselves, uncommunicative, sarcastic, snide remarks, and ignoring others.

Likely, this condition may never leave you, but you can learn to manage how to express this feeling healthily. Anger management therapy and classes are the most effective treatment options available. Although, you need to be consistent to see a difference.

Just expressing anger does not mean you have bipolar disorder or any other mental health issue. But if you suspect you have one, talk to your health care provider.

Here are the four stages:

  • Annoyed: Getting annoyed may be a sign that something is bothering you. You may feel a little annoyed but can still rationally think at this point.
  • Frustrated: At this moment, stress levels can begin to climb. You can think sensibly, but your heightened resentment of current events might make it difficult for you to remain calm and clear headed.
  • Hostile: Anger tends to bubble up and out of you before you come up with a remedy to help alleviate your fury. Your tolerance for upsetting situations might be too low for you to cope quietly.
  • Enraged: You are absolutely out of control at this point. When your fury reaches this level, you may demonstrate harmful behaviors such as lashing out physically, excessive swearing, or threatening violence.

Mental Health Care for Controlling Your Emotional Outbursts

Having occasional angry feelings is normal when your boundaries have been violated. For example, if a stranger enters your house without your permission, you may get angry, which is a completely normal response.

But some people try to channel their feelings and emotions related to a painful event through angry outbursts. Sadly, it can be much easier to deal with anger than those painful emotions.

This expression of emotions is unhealthy and can negatively affect your relationships with your loved ones. If not treated or managed soon enough, the situation may escalate into verbal or physical violence. People who experience unhealthy levels of outrage may also suffer from physical symptoms like chronic pain and hypertension. Fortunately, management therapy and classes can help you healthily deal with it.

Major Causes

A person's environment can be the most significant cause of fury. Stress, financial problems, abuse, poor social or familial conditions, and an overwhelming lifestyle can all contribute to the development of annoyance.

In some individuals, this condition can get triggered by an underlying disease, such as alcoholism or depression. The condition alone isn't diagnosed as a disorder, although it is a documented sign of various mental health issues.

Some of the possible causes are as follows:

  • Depression
  • Disruptive, chaotic, and emotionally unavailable family members
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Oppositional defiant disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Intermittent explosive disorder
  • Grief

Common Triggers

Various things can trigger our brains, and these triggers vary from person to person based on individual life experiences. To illustrate, if you were bullied frequently as a child, your reactions to someone who is domineering or threatening could be intense. Here are some triggers that people can experience:

  • People who ask impolite inquiries or are nosy.
  • People making a joke about serious issues.
  • Rude or disorganized neighbors or housemates
  • People who do not repay their debts.
  • Loud individuals in a theater or other in places where there should be silence.
  • Places that evoke negative emotions.
  • Places where you feel suffocated.
  • Long lines are forming.
  • Waiting a long time for an appointment.
  • Traffic.
  • Overcrowded stores and public transportation
  • Poor working conditions
  • Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.
  • Being falsely accused
  • Getting lost or given incorrect directions.
  • The phone is being put on hold.
  • Cleaning up after other folks.
  • People benefitting from gossip and rumors.
  • Slow customer assistance.

We must identify our triggers. It can help us understand what difficulties in our lives set off a high alert in our minds and push us over the edge. After identifying our triggers, we can figure out why these triggers elicit such an emotional response.

People usually become enraged over the same things over and over. You can note down your triggers so it’s easier to avoid them or prepare yourself.

For example, when someone is joking when you two are having a serious conversation, you may feel furious. Instead, you can walk away to calm down or let them know that their sarcasm is bothering you. Or, to avoid traffic, you can use and encourage the use of public transport.

Signs You Might Need Help

You might have these issues if:

  • Your friends or family members have expressed concern or have distanced themselves from you due to your behavior.
  • You have disagreements with coworkers.
  • There are some places where you are no longer welcome.
  • You are frequently enraged.
  • You are physically or verbally abusive.
  • Your irritability causes you to say or do things that you later regret.
  • You're harboring a grudge or plotting vengeance.
  • When you are angry, you have been or consider being aggressive or violent.

Anger creates both physical and psychological effects. While these symptoms are natural to encounter occasionally, a person with such issues is likely to experience them more frequently and to a greater extent.

Physical Symptoms: Outrage can impact various aspects of your body, including your heart, brain, and muscles. It can manifest as physical symptoms like:

  • elevated blood pressure
  • elevated heart rate
  • muscular strain
  • tingling feeling

Emotional symptoms: While anger is an emotion, other emotions accompany it. If you have these issues, you may feel:

  • Irritability
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety
  • Rage
  • Stress
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • guilt

How to Deal With Your Problems

A mental health specialist can assist you in determining whether you have an underlying mental health disorder that is causing your issues and needs to be treated. The treatment may include:

  • Therapy: The first step in dealing with this is determining the source. While some can identify the triggers and emotions causing their fury, others cannot. If you experience sudden intense outbursts, you may be unable to identify the triggers on your own. Anger management treatment can assist you in identifying triggers and learning appropriate coping strategies.
  • Anger management classes: These group programs might help you observe how others deal with similar issues. Hearing about other people's errors and successes in dealing with difficult situations might be beneficial. These classes generally offer you specific techniques and ways of thinking to help you deal with such issues more effectively.
  • Treating mental health disorders causing this: If your outrage is a symptom of an underlying mental health illness such as depression, OCD, bipolar disorder, etc, then medications may help you curb it.

Some coping strategies to calm yourself down: One can use various effective relaxation techniques to feel calm and control the fury. These techniques are usually taught by your counselor or in your anger management classes. However, few of these can be done on your own.

  • Deep Breathing: Slowing and deepening your breathing is an easy way to relax your body and minimize your displeasure. When you're feeling extreme emotions, your breathing may become faster and shallower. Slowly breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth can help your mind calm down. Relax using the 7/11 technique:
    • Stop and focus on your breath
    • Breathe in for a quick count of 7
    • Breathe out for a quick count of 11
    • Keep going for at least 1 minute
  • Don't Judge, Listen: You may be leaping to conclusions and saying hurtful things in a heated argument. Try to pause and listen to the other person in the conversation before reacting. It can help your annoyance subside, allowing you to reply and settle the situation more effectively. Before responding, give it some thought. Tell them you need to take a step back if you need to cool off before continuing the talk.
  • Take a time out: Whenever you feel like things are getting heated up, walk away and take a break. This technique can be quite helpful, especially for couples and families where every participant gets angry. If fights happen frequently, you and your partner can come up with a plan for timeouts. Determine how you will call a timeout, what you will both do, and how long it will last ahead of time. Plan relaxing activities that everyone can do individually, such as going for a stroll or watching TV. Unfortunately, there are times in life when a timeout won't be an option, such as at work or in school.
  • Let It Out: Don't keep your emotions to yourself. Expressing your emotions when you feel them is the healthiest way to deal with them. Keeping emotions pent up increases the likelihood of a sudden and powerful eruption when you least expect it.
  • Avoid Triggers: If you are easily irritated, it is beneficial to identify and avoid your triggers. If you are frequently triggered during a conversation with a specific person or about a specific issue, avoid them or that topic until you have learned how to control your fury better.

Get Treatment From a Licensed Therapist Who’s Right For You

Anger is a normal emotion, but when it grows out of control or interferes with your relationships, you may be suffering from difficulties. Tests are available to determine the severity, susceptibility, and ability to handle the emotions. However, chances are you already know whether you have a problem. If you react in ways that appear out of control and frightening, you may need help coping with this emotion.

Schedule a Virtual Psychotherapy Appointment with a Counsellor Today

A mental health expert can assist you in working through your issues and identifying any underlying mental health disorders that may be a cause. They can help you find your triggers, teach you better ways to deal with and express emotions, and relaxation techniques, all of which can improve the quality of your life and relationships. Book a counseling session with a compassionate therapist instantly with DocVita and start your journey towards a happy life.