What are the Signs of Perfectionism?

What are the Signs of Perfectionism?

Have you ever spent an hour trying to draft an email, nitpicking on the smallest of details? Or have you had difficulty starting a new project because the thought of being average overwhelmed you? Perfectionism, although sometimes considered a positive trait, can be...
10 Morning Affirmations to Begin Your Day

10 Morning Affirmations to Begin Your Day

They say a day well begun is half the battle won! That quote is original, and so is the emotion hidden beneath it. Remember when you were little and ready to pack off to school; your granny or mom would make you pray before the household deity. The ritual seemed...
What Are the Five Stages of Hoarding?

What Are the Five Stages of Hoarding?

If you often find yourself being unable to let go of your worldly possessions, chances are you might be a victim of a hoarding disorder. It is essential to recognize the signs of this disorder to diagnose it appropriately. A hoarder tends to accumulate objects and...
Agoraphobia: Causes and Symptoms

Agoraphobia: Causes and Symptoms

Does your heart beat faster when you step inside a plane? Are you afraid of taking an elevator? Do your hands start freezing before an interview? Or do you avoid going shopping because you have a fear of the marketplace? If you have had these sensations or something...
The Psychology of Dreaming

The Psychology of Dreaming

Dreams will always be a baffling subject to explore. This is a state that occurs in the passage between the waking and sleeping state. An integral part of human life, but even science has failed to explain it inside out. They can be anything from a fun experience to...