The Greek physician Hippocrates stated in the 5th century BC, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.” 

What we eat is not only a source of sustenance but also has healing and protective health benefits. Whether it was eating chyawanprash as a child or drinking a glass of turmeric milk every day in the wake of the pandemic – Indian households have always used food and nutrition to boost immunity. It is pretty common to rely on home remedies for common ailments. Most of which are trusted and passed on from generation. Every household has some tried and tested recipes that grandmothers swear, whether a homemade oil to reduce hair fall or a churan to fix any stomach issues. While not every home remedy has a scientific explanation or proof. What we eat is an essential aspect of our physical health

Our immune system is complex and affects several factors, including diet, lifestyle, and stress. A balanced diet coupled with adequate exercise and sleep is a simple way to keep common illnesses like colds, flu, and infections at bay. You don’t have to look further than your local market or grocery store to cook delicious recipes that also fight off illnesses!

Nutrition and Immunity

Nutrition is an essential part of the human immune system. Your diet directly affects your health. And a healthy diet reinforces your body with the strength to fight microbial attacks and chronic inflammation. However, simply increasing your immunity with a single superfood is implausible. You must incorporate foods that are rich in micronutrients, and you get a wholesome, nutritious diet. Certain nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, Vitamin B-6, folic acid, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein, offer critical growth of good bacteria

Additionally, our gut is home to several microorganisms. And the microbiome that consisting of those microbes that reside primarily in our intestines. According to various studies, the gut is the most significant area of the body for immune functions. Diet plays an important role in determining the type of microbes in the body and the number of immune cells. To enforce a healthy gut, it is important to include fiber rich and majorly plant-based diet consisting of fruits, cruciferous vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Maintaining a balance between a healthy diet, your guilty pleasure foods, and physical activity can even help you achieve a healthy weight.

For a healthy gut, here is a list of probiotic and prebiotic foods to include in your diet

Probiotic foods

  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  •  Sauerkraut
  • Tempeh
  • Kombucha
  • Kimchi
  • Miso

Prebiotic foods–  

  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Leeks
  • Asparagus
  • Artichokes
  • Bananas
  • Seaweed

Additionally, here are some foods you can commonly incorporate into your diet to boost your immunity:

1). Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are god-sent gifts for reinforcing a healthy immune system. Popular citrus fruits include lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and sweet limes. Rich in vitamin C, these fruits help produce white blood cells essential for fighting off infections. Surprisingly, a single orange contains up to 53.2 milligrams, which is much vitamin C you require for the day!

Since the body does not store vitamin C, it is essential to have a daily dose of the supplement. So, you can choose from a range of delicious fruits. Depending on your region, you can find some or other citrus fruits across India. Besides vitamin C, citrus fruits also have significant amounts of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Including B vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and copper. Besides, they contain abundant dietary fiber, macronutrients, and sugars. Choosing fresh fruits or juice over energy drinks can be highly beneficial. When you go for a fruit, the first thing you discard is the high sugar content, which is unnecessary and highly unhealthy. Energy drinks are also laden with caffeine, which can cause a bloodsugar spike. By consuming whole fruits, you provide your body with dietary fibers that aid in a sound digestive system. 

Note: While the vitamin C in citrus fruits might help you recover from a cold faster, it is not a cure for the coronavirus.

2). Garlic

Garlic is one of the staple spices used in most Indian households. It is a flavor used copiously in everyday cooking, which adds an extra zing to every dish. However, garlic doesn’t just pack a punch in terms of flavor. It is, in fact, as beneficial as good it tastes. Although it is highly pungent, consuming garlic in its raw form is extremely beneficial. 

Garlic contains allicin – a sulfur-rich enzyme that gives the ingredient its distinctive taste and smell. The enzyme is activated by mincing or crushing the garlic bulbs. Allicin has antimicrobial properties. And it further breaks into compounds within the body, which help boost the disease-fighting response. It also assists white blood cells in encountering viruses that cause cold and flu.

Additionally, garlic contains abundant antioxidants, which are highly effective for inflammation, cell damage, and even some chronic diseases. Research also that increasing the intake of antioxidants makes our immune system more resilient to infections or flu

Ancient medicinal practices also acknowledge that garlic is extremely helpful in lowering blood pressure and slowing down the hardening of arteries.

Note: While consuming garlic can work wonders for your immune system, keep in mind to include it in a moderate amount. The general warm nature of garlic can cause some digestive issues if consumed in a large quantity.

3). Ginger

Ginger is one of the most common ingredients consistently found throughout history. From Ayurveda to traditional Chines medicine to simple home remedies, ginger has a record of starring in every one of them. Generally found among the fresh spices in almost every kitchen, it is not only one of the aromatics which adds a kick to flavor to your dishes. But it is, in fact, a power-pack of goodness. 

Ginger‘s distinct flavor and aroma are due to a compound, gingerol, which is highly present and owns many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Various pieces of research also show that it possesses qualities that aid in chronic indigestion and other digestive ailments. Ginger is also known to help reduce nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women. Furthermore, from sore throat to the common cold, it offers your body the perseverance to fight viral and bacterial infections. Besides that, it can even maintain the body‘s blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

Internet’s favorite ginger shot might have gotten a lot of fame, and it deserved every bit of it. Consuming just a tiny amount of ginger shot in the morning can help digestion and constipation and even prevent bloating throughout the day. With better digestion and less bloating, you can notice a change in your weight loss. It also acts as an immunity booster. Chronic inflammation can decrease your immunity, reducing your ability to fight infections. Upping your intake of antioxidant-rich ginger can help you increase immunity

Note: Consuming anything in excess can harm your health. Similarly, consuming excess ginger can cause common issues like heartburn and diarrhea. 

4). Spinach

Popeye’s favorite dish and the source of his power, spinach, is a superfood. The leafy vegetable is rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and beta-carotene, which increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems. Spinach has an abundance of oxalic acid, a compound that increases promotes your body to inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. This dark leafy green is also rich in fibers, which is extremely good for your gut

One spinach serving, almost 30mg, contains roughly Vitamins A, B, C, and K, very few calories, calcium, iron, and beta carotenoids. Spinach is one of the best options for to build a strong immune system. And incorporating it into your diet is very easy. Indian cooking has various delicious recipes that use spinach as a base. Think of palak paneer, a simple yet filling dish. You can even replace paneer with corn or tofu for a vegan option. Or enjoy it as a smoothie or simply add to your humble dal to up its nutritious value!

Note: An essential thing with eating any leafy vegetables is their preparation. Please ensure you get them fresh from the market and completely dry. Get rid of any dirt or grit that may have stuck into the leaves. Some studies even show that excessive consumption of spinach can produce calcium-oxalate in your body, resulting in kidney stones.    

5). Green tea

India has a great liking for tea. And all the rage with Chai tea latte has painted a generic picture of our love for tea. Although having a cup of strong masala chai can be very refreshing, it has a limited amount of benefits. Similar to black tea, green tea comes from the same tea plant. What makes it different is the processing of the tea leaves. Green tea is prepared by steaming and drying fresh tea leaves to preserve its green color and mild flavor. 

It is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and antibodies that can fight viruses like influenza. It is also great for flushing free radicals from your body to improve immunity. Try different flavors of green tea like ginger & lemon green tea, mint

To Sum It Up:

Our immune system is a weapon that helps us fight harmful infections and toxins daily. It combats every foreign invader and creates an immune response to protect it from causing any disturbance in our body. As strong as this weapon is, we still need to help with its maintenance and improve its efficiency. Talk to experts from the comfort of your home on DocVita:!