Who is Most at Risk to Have Anxiety?

Who is Most at Risk to Have Anxiety?

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, worrying about the chances of getting that elusive job, looking at your aging parents, and then drowning in a pool of self-pity. Seems all familiar? Anxiety is the word for that feeling of unease,...
Ways to Help Your Kid Cope With ADHD at School

Ways to Help Your Kid Cope With ADHD at School

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a learning disability. This condition can be crippling for a school-going kid. The symptoms, like the inability to pay attention and difficulty sitting still and controlling one’s impulses, pose a threat to...
How to Cope With the Symptoms of Long COVID

How to Cope With the Symptoms of Long COVID

Many individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 experience symptoms for weeks or even months after their initial diagnosis. This is known as long COVID. A Times of India survey suggests that 65% of Indians have one or more individuals in their close network who...