6 Key Signs of Alcohol Abuse

6 Key Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol addiction is a severe condition that can have devastating consequences. It is a disease that affects millions of people worldwide and can lead to various mental and physical health problems. While it can affect people from all walks of life, alcohol dependency...
Ways to Heal From Past Relationship Trauma

Ways to Heal From Past Relationship Trauma

The people that we surround ourselves with, their response to us, and how their presence around us affects us results in impacting us in varied ways. Therefore, it is important to track the unhealthy and impertinent behavior and call it out, and if needed, to pull...
The Biological Explanation for Anxious Feelings

The Biological Explanation for Anxious Feelings

Anxiety is a normal stress response, but for some people, it can be a struggle that affects their daily lives. But what exactly happens in our bodies when we experience it? It has roots in the complex relationship between the brain, hormones, and nerves and occurs...