Since the onset of the pandemic, health and wellness have taken center stage. It has started the much-needed conversation about having a healthy body, mind, and soul. And about creating an environment that encourages healthy living.
Hitting the gym five times a week. Or, to roll out that yoga mat even for a 20-minute session can offer life-changing benefits. But actively committing to it can take a whole lot of willpower.
Having your partner on board with goals can affirm your aspirations. When you have someone to embark on a journey together, it is easier to keep yourself on track. So this new year, get your partner on deck with you. And set some goals to imbibe the culture of leading a healthy lifestyle.
Getting a gym membership is one viable option. But changing little things to make healthy choices in your day-to-day life can be for the long run. It would be best to balance your mental and physical health to achieve a stable body and mind. For that, you and your partner must be on the same page. Let’s look at five healthy habits you should nurture for a healthy relationship.
1. Always eat a healthy breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Starting your day with an unhealthy meal is not a wise choice. Or worse, skipping your breakfast altogether. An energy bar can be a healthy snack while on the go, but it cannot replace a complete breakfast meal.
It won’t take you more than a quick google search to find many options. You can find a long list of easy and healthy breakfast recipes. Scrambled eggs on toast, oats, roti, wraps, or smoothie bowls can be an easy breakfast fix to kickstart your day.
There is a multitude of options to choose from. Make a healthy smoothie on the day’s none of you are willing to go the extra mile. Smoothies can be a very low-effort and nutritious choice. Just chuck all your favorite fruits in the blender with or without the dairy of your choice.
The prep work that goes into it is the only thing that is more tedious than cooking. From planning to all the chopping and arranging of every ingredient takes a lot of time. And doing all this in the morning can be extremely frustrating. It is important to practice mindful eating. So, consider putting the time and effort into creating a meal plan ahead of the week.
Work out a game plan with your partner and decide on a menu. Get the ingredient beforehand and try to chop and store everything you can freeze. It will help you quickly whip up breakfast in no time. It can even help your relationship by building better communication skills.
2. Cut down on the junk.

The food that tastes good might not always be good for your body. Junk food may satiate our late-night cravings but can also leave behind a trail of harmful effects. Fast food can lead to many health risks, including obesity, heart disease, and digestive issues.
It is a common myth that healthy food cannot be tasty. It might even discourage you from exploring healthy snacking options. However, the myth couldn’t be further from the truth. If you and your partner want to make a healthy switch, there are many healthy snacking options. It’s not that difficult to try and delve into clean eating. You might find delicious recipes online or pick your parents’ brains for their favorite snacks. There are plenty of healthy Indian snacks that you can try. Some include moong chilla, upma, oats, uthappam, dhokla, and poha. When you feel that your cravings might lead you to order in again, try preparing home-cooked meals. Cooking for each other can be a perfect act of service. You might discover those small things, like cooking for each other, might be your love language.
Of course, cooking a meal when you want a snack is not always possible. When you opt for a packaged meal, do not forget to check the “Nutrition Facts” present on the packaged label. This will help you identify how healthy your snack is. Go for options that are low in sugar and fat and high in fiber. There are plenty of healthy alternatives for dark chocolate, mixed nuts, or carrot chips. Try switching to freshly squeezed juice or coconut water instead of carbonated drinks. Fizzy drinks and tetra-pack juices have an alarming amount of added sugar and deficient nutrition.
3. Taper down on your alcohol consumption and smoking habit.

A complete cleanse of your body can only occur when you get rid of all your unhealthy habits. Smoking and drinking can slow down your body and exacerbate the aging process.
The toxins accumulated in your body due to alcohol and smoking affect your immune system. It depletes your overall health. Encourage your partner to leave behind these unhealthy habits. Let this year be the start of a healthy and long life together. Support your partner as they go through this process.
If your partner is the one who is trying to give up drinking or smoking, be there for them. The most important thing you can do to help show compassion is research healthier options to help your partner with the withdrawal process. Keep an eye on their drinking and smoking habits. Hold them accountable if they tend to go back to their older action. But, stray away from the blame game. Refrain from using accusatory tones, and remember to be gentle.
Introduce them to nicotine patches and gums. Read up and educate them about Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). Or other behavioral techniques to help them quit alcohol and smoking.
If the case is the opposite, and you are the one who needs to quit. Ask your partner to be there for you. Don’t hesitate to ask them for help. Healthy couples tend to lean on each other for support.
If you both struggle with these habits, then become each other’s pillar of strength. Keep your spirits high and remind each other that quitting is possible. Seek outside help when possible. Ask friends that you find reliable to help out. Or consider starting couples therapy sessions so that you are not weighing down each other.
4. Exercise, Meditate, Repeat!

Physical activity does not only have a positive impact on your body, but it can also lift your mood. It rejuvenates you for the rest of the day. Regular exercise can help you and your partner lives a more fulfilling life.
So make this one of your health goals this year. If sweating it out in the gym is not your thing, start with simple cardio in your living room.
The internet is full of tutorials on low-impact cardio routines for beginners. To add fun to your workout sessions, you can also opt for couples yoga or sign up for Zumba classes. Working out together can be a delightful way to spend quality time with each other—outdoor activities like swimming, running, cycling, or brisk walking.
Finding emotional support within each other can be demanding to your mental health. Try finding peace together. To de-stress with your partner, you can also practice meditation. Or engage in breathing exercises and other grounding techniques. You can even find fun activities for your date nights. Art therapy, like painting or sculpting, can be a relaxing experience. There are also different art workshops that you can join for a brief time. The willingness to spend time with each other can help you thrive. And better mental well-being is essential for sustaining a long-term relationship.
5. Make regular visits to the doctor.

We should learn from the ongoing health crisis and prioritize routine check-ups. Even though clean eating and daily exercise can be highly beneficial. But it is equally important to seek professional help. Regarding our health, there is no one size fits all formula. A particular symptom can be an indication of various underlying diseases. That only a skilled health practitioner differentiates.
A bi-annual visit to your doctor or a regular check-up should be a health goal for yourself and your partner. Your vitals like cholesterol, sugar level, BP, thyroid, etc. need frequent monitoring. Keeping a tab on your oral and sexual health is also essential.
To sum it up:
Being in a relationship means pushing each other to become their best version mentally and physically. A healthy body and mind is the best thing we can offer our partners. So set those health goals and reward yourself and your partner with a fulfilling life.
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