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5 ways bad oral health affects you

Oral health refers to the overall health of your oral-facial system. Good oral health is a sign that you are free from oral diseases and mouth and facial pain. Poor oral health can limit your capacity for biting, chewing, speaking, and smiling. It can even impact your psychosocial well-being at some level.

Your mouth is an essential part of your, housing around 6 million bacteria on average. Usually, the bacteria in your mouth and saliva are harmless and sometimes even necessary for digestive health. But lack of brushing and flossing can lead to the buildup of such bacteria. This buildup can lead to tooth decay and other oral diseases.

Oral health is essential for your holistic well-being. Bad oral health can lead to social ostracization and poor self-esteem. And in some cases, many severe disorders.

The most common diseases are Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Gingivitis refers to gum disease or inflammation of the gum. And Periodontitis means severe infection of the gum line. The most common causes that lead to these disorders are:

    • Smoking
    • Diabetes
    • Alcohol consumption
    • Snacking on sugary foods and drinks
    • Binging on junk food
    • Acid reflux disorders or heartburn,
    • Frequent vomiting
    • Poor brushing habits

Here are five ways bad oral health can affect you:

1. Serious health complications in other organs.

Bad oral health can impact other organs and organ systems of the body. Your mouth determines your body’s health. Poor oral health can lead to severe infections. The bacteria can later enter other body systems and cause health complications.

Oral bacteria can cause respiratory infections by entering the lungs. Such as pneumonia, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. Research suggests that certain cardiovascular diseases can be due to oral conditions. Clogged arteries and stroke sometimes might be because of oral bacteria. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the blood vessels and get attached to the areas of the heart. Sometimes it can lead to chronic diseases such as Endocarditis, which means infection of the heart’s inner lining.

Periodontitis has links to premature birth and low birth weight. It is common to think of different organ systems in the body as separate systems which do not affect each other. But, every organ system is interconnected with each other. And neglecting one can affect the whole body. Thus, the route to good health is taking care of your entire body, including your dental care, which refers to your teeth, tongue, gums, and mouth.

2. Social Isolation Affecting Mental and Emotional Wellness.

Poor oral health can cause many problems, such as:

    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Speech problems 
    • Oral discomfort
    • Toothache 
    • Bad breath and 
    • Swollen gums.

These symptoms might compel you to avoid social situations. The social stigma associated with the symptoms can make people feel shunned. Moreover, people who interact with you might quickly notice how you take care of your teeth. A healthy mouth can make you feel confident. And symptoms of poor oral hygiene can affect your personal and professional relationships.

Social isolation can affect your mental and emotional wellness. It can also hurt one’s self-esteem and confidence.

3. Gum Disease and Diabetes.

People with diabetes have a higher risk of having periodontal or gum disease. Due to the weak immune system and elevated insulin level, the susceptibility to infection increases. It is easier contracting infections is higher. Gum disease begins with bacteria building up on and around your teeth that extend into the gums. The bacteria residing in a diabetic person isn’t any different from a non-diabetic. But lower immunity and greater inflammatory response cause gum disease to aggravate.

For patients with diabetes, the greatest concern should be the control of the disease. Controlling diabetes might help decrease the risk of other complications, including gum disease. Maintaining blood sugar levels is an excellent preventive measure for severe gum diseases. 

4. Negative body image.

Bad oral health can lead to tooth decay, plaque build-up, and discoloration of teeth and gums. Apart from having severe effects on oral hygiene and health, it also impacts how your smile looks. Thereby leading to negative body image issues. Even though it is barely noticeable to another person, you might get highly self-conscious of your mouth and teeth because of a distorted view of your own body.

This negative self-body image might reduce your self-confidence and motivation. And sometimes even lead to mood disorders and depressive symptoms.

5. Diet and Lifestyle – can lead to poor nutrition and limited food choices.

Dental diseases can cause poor nutritional values. Dental decay causes tooth loss, which reduces one’s food choices. This might affect your diet is lacking fruits and vegetables. For elders, tooth loss, rheumatoid arthritis, or oral pain are some of the bigger concerns. Oral infections can impair chewing, which leads to a low nutritional diet.

On the other hand, poor nutrition causes the immune system to weaken. This increases the risk of periodontal diseases. A well-balanced diet with fibers and vitamins can improve oral health.

On the other hand, poor nutrition causes the immune system to weaken. This increases the risk of periodontal diseases. Eating a well-balanced diet and increasing fibre and vitamin intake improves oral health and reduces the risk of other conditions.

How can one maintain good oral hygiene?

Here are a few tips for preventing oral health problems:

Brush your teeth

Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. For healthy teeth, it is important to brush both in the morning and then at night before bed. Brushing your teeth helps eliminate food particles, plaque, and germs. It is extremely helpful in preventing cavities’ formation.


Flossing once a day is as important as brushing your teeth. A flossing thread can reach between tiny gaps and crevices of your teeth, which is not possible with a brush alone. Flossing helps remove the buildup of plaque and bacteria and prevents cavities.

Clean your tongue

Flossing once a day is as important as brushing your teeth. A flossing thread can reach between tiny gaps and crevices of your teeth, which is not possible with a brush alone. Flossing helps remove the buildup of plaque and bacteria and prevents cavities.

Develop healthier personal habits

Your diet, lifestyle, and personal habits can impact oral health. Try avoiding or limiting alcohol consumption and smoking. You should even consider avoiding binging on junk foods. Discarding tobacco use altogether can lower your risk of oral cancer. It is also vital to maintain a healthy and well-balanced diet. Developing healthier oral habits leads to forming better relationships. And boost your confidence for social and professional opportunities.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dental visits are important as it is crucial for maintaining good oral health. And you should be well informed about your oral health conditions. You might even get a customized treatment plan for individual oral health.

Regular check-ups can help us make better decisions regarding preventive measures. A visit to the dentist every six months is highly recommended. Professional cleaning can remove plaque build-up and dental scaling. You might get the procedure done twice a month for better preventive measures.

To remove plaque build-up, scaling or deep cleaning your teeth about twice a year is essential.

To sum it up:

Oral health and taking good care of it are as important as your general health. It is important to regularly and adequately care for your teeth, gums, and mouth. Due to the pandemic, many have neglected the state of their oral hygiene and health. However, You need to keep track of your oral hygiene to enjoy a pearly smile. Talk to India’s top dentists for a regular check-up or any other concerns regarding oral health on

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