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6 Signs You Need To See A Gastroenterologist

The last few decades have seen a significant shift in our lifestyle. We live a life that has become more sedentary. We relish easy access to things, and ordering food seems easier than cooking. In recent years, abdominal issues have been one of India’s most recorded health issues. Alterations in natural food habits and physical activities naturally lead to digestive disorders. Digestive Health is the most vital aspect of your wellbeing.

Some of the most common lifestyle factors responsible for increasing digestive problems are:

    • Irregular and unhealthy food habits
    • Alcohol consumption 
    • Smoking, tobacco chewing 
    • Lack of exercise 
    • Unclean water
    • Improper sanitation

If you are 50 or above in age, regular colorectal cancer screening would be best. Although age isn’t the only factor that should prompt attention to your gut health. You might recognize your digestive condition by observing some of these common symptoms:

    • Loss of appetite 
    • Frequent heartburn
    • Abnormal bowel movement 
    • Constipation
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Difficulty swallowing
    • Rectal bleeding

The listed signs should require a visit to a gastroenterologist or GI specialist. If you feel your symptoms are mild. Or do not hamper your daily activities. You should still consult a primary care physician. A general physician will let you know if you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

Who is a Gastroenterologist?

A gastroenterologist refers to a physician specializing in diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract. The GI tract consists of organs from mouth to anus, along the digestive tract, which are:

    • Esophagus
    • Stomach
    • Small intestine
    • Large intestine ( including colon, rectum, and anus)
    • Liver 
    • Pancreas
    • Gallbladder
    • Bile ducts

The common health problems and diseases addressed by gastroenterologists are:

    • Mouth Ulcers
    • GERD – Heartburn, Acid Reflux
    • Chronic Diarrhea
    • Chronic Constipation
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
    • Ulcerative Colitis, OR
    • Crohn’s disease
    • Celiac disease
    • Esophageal cancer 
    • Acute Gastroenteritis (Intestinal Flu/Stomach Flu)
    • Painful ulcers in the stomach lining (Peptic Ulcers)
    • Gastric Cancer
    • Colon Cancer
    • Gallstones
    • Inflammation of the pancreas (Pancreatitis)
    • Precancerous polyps

Warning signs that suggest it may be time to see a GI doctor

Here are the common symptoms that may need immediate attention of a gastroenterologist:

1. Constipation

Constipation is when one has bowel movements less than three times a week. But, if you are experiencing painful bowel movements. Along with bloating and dry stool, you should not ignore it, regardless of the weekly frequency. Any severe cases should prompt an immediate gastroenterologist visit or a physician’s referral.

Causes of constipation can either be acute or chronic.

Acute cases are due to reasons like:

    • Dehydration 
    • Acute intestinal obstruction
    • Acute appendicitis. 
    • Chronic causes can be due to:
    • Anal fissure
    • Decreased fiber residue
    • Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or 
    • Endocrine and metabolic diseases. 

Psychological conditions like depression or stress can also cause constipation.

2. Acid Reflux / Heartburn

Heartburn is a painful burning feeling in your chest or throat. Occasional heartburn is a common experience due to indulging in spicy and junk food. Heartburn happens when acid backs up into the esophagus (food pipe).

But, if you experience heartburn more than twice a week, GERD might be the underlying cause. GERD is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease. It refers to the movement of contents from the stomach to the esophagus. But, it would be best to remember that GERD does not cause heartburn.

Certain foods, pregnancy, and excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to heartburn.

When it comes to treatment, over-the-counter medications can help relieve the symptom. Yet, it would be best to visit a gastroenterologist. Because, over time, heartburn can cause harm to the food pipe (esophagus). As the stomach acids move up to the food pipe can erode the esophageal lining. It can lead to a prolonged course of prescription medicine or surgery.

3. Loss of Appetite

If you are experiencing a loss of appetite. Or feeling nauseated at the sight of food. There might be an underlying condition affecting your digestive system. A physical exam and a medical history are necessary to make a conclusive diagnosis. In some cases, family history, stress & anxiety could also be the reason behind this.

Many diseases related to gastrointestinal organs can cause loss of appetite. Liver diseases like hepatitis or cirrhosis. Chronic renal failure. Or Malignancies like stomach and pancreas cancer can all lead to reduced appetite.

Psychological factors like depression can also be one of the reasons. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that leads to appetite loss or total aversion to food, which can cause sudden weight loss.

4. Nausea and Vomiting

The discomfort or unease in the stomach that you might experience before vomiting. The technical term for that feeling is nausea. There are several causes of nausea and vomiting. Out of which most result from a gastrointestinal condition. Allergies to gluten or lactose can also be one of the reasons. It is even possible to observe bleeding in some cases.

Some gastrointestinal conditions display nausea as a symptom. And can also cause persistent vomiting with severe pain. Persistent vomiting could also state an abdominal emergency, like acute appendicitis. Regular screening can help in the diagnosis. And might require surgical intervention. If you are experiencing persistent vomiting, you should consult a doctor immediately.

A doctor could help diagnose the underlying cause. Which can be a range of infections or disorders such as:

  • Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver)
  • Jaundice
  • Viral or a bacterial infestation of the intestinal tract
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Morning sickness as seen in pregnant women due to hormonal imbalance

5. Diarrhoea

Diarrhea is the opposite of constipation. Patients might experience watery or runny stools, severe pain, and frequent poops.

Diarrhea indicates problems related to digestion. In cases of lactose intolerance, dairy consumption can also trigger poor bowel habits.

It is a prevalent condition, affecting millions worldwide every year. And can also be due to poor hygiene practices and unsanitary habits. Yet, if it occurs frequently, it can state a more serious underlying condition. For which gastroenterologist consultation becomes necessary.

6. Inflammation of the tongue (Glossitis)

Glossitis is inflammation of the tongue. It can show up as soreness and redness on the tongue. It causes a significant swelling in the tongue’s size and a color change. And even differences in surface appearance.

There are many causes of glossitis; some common ones include:

    • B complex deficiency
    • Megaloblastic anemia
    • Cirrhosis (a chronic disease of the liver resulting from alcoholism or hepatitis)
    • Pernicious Anemia or Iron Deficiency Anemia
    • Tuberculosis

Suppose you notice an inflamed tongue, mouth ulcers, or a change in how you chew, swallow, or speak. It would be best to visit your general physician. Or consult your family doctor, who can provide adequate medical care. They might refer you to a gastroenterologist if it needs a specialist’s attention.

To sum it up:

Gastrointestinal conditions are common as well as diverse. Mild cases can be treatable with home remedies or prescribed counter medication. Yet, if the condition persists or turns severe, you must visit a specialist. It is a good idea to understand what treatment option can suit you best.

If you find it overwhelming to see a specialist, talk to India’s top specialists on

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